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More information would be necessary to give an exact resolution, but you are not allowed to have both private insurance and Medicaid.

You can not have both private insurance and medicaid at the same time. That is what is called double dipping. You husbands plan should have an option to "opt-in" to his plan if it is a group medical provided through work.

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Q: If my husband gets a job and has insurance will Medicaid cancel my insurance. I am currently pregnant and didn't have insurance so I applied and got approved. Do I have the option to keep medicaid?
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Can someone claim medicare or medicaid if currently under medical coverage?

Having private insurance does not make one ineligible for Medicaid or Medicare.

Are Medicare and Medicaid private insurance groups?

Both Medicare and Medicaid are government insurance programs.

What if you had insurance when you found out you were pregnant then lost your insurance can you qualify for medicaid?

You can get Medicaid when pregnant if you meet the eligibility requirements - principally, citizenship and limited income/assets. Medicaid can be backdated up to three months prior to the month of your application.You can get Medicaid even if you have insurance; however, your provider(s) must bill your insurance first, prior to billing Medicaid.

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How does Medicaid pay when there is other Insurance involved?

The provider must give Medicaid proof that the other insurance carrier (including Medicaid) has "adjudicated" the bill. Medicaid will then pay any remaining eligible charges, to the extent that it would have paid had the patient not had any other insurance.

Can you still get medicaid for your child if his father has him covered on court ordered private insurance?

Yes - private insurance is not a bar to Medicaid eligibility - but tell your Medicaid caseworker so that the private insurance is billed first.

Does Medicaid cover gynecomastia surgery?

Medicaid is State Insurance and Medicare is federal. Therefore, it depends on what state you have Medicaid in; however, I doubt that they would. Very few insurance companies do.

Where can one purchase Medicaid Health Insurance?

Medicaid Heath Insurance is not available in the United Kingdom, however it can be purchased online through Freedom Health Insurance. The Medicaid website has a list of locations and sites where it can also be purchased from.

If your family is on Medicaid can you refuse insurance through your job?

No - Medicaid (and the taxpayers) expect you to apply for any and all alternative means of coverage. Having other insurance won't make you ineligible for Medicaid, but you need to tell your caseworker so that providers will know to bill the other insurance first, then Medicaid.

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Does medicaid cover Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder testing?

You have to find a provider that will test and treat for ADHD that takes medicaid as insurance. But yes, medicaid will cover it.

If a person is Medicaid pending when they decease does the Medicaid process continue until approved and pay the outstanding Medicaid eligible expenses?

Yes the application is processed as usual; and if the individual is found to be eligible, the case is approved with an ending date corresponding to the date of death.