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Legally, no. But you two ought to get a court order legitimizing this arrangement.

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Q: If not with the mother of your child and you have custody half the time and also give her money and its not threw the court's do you have to give her that money.?
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Can a mother get child support payments while she is in jail?

If she is in jail she can not have custody so no, she will not get money for a child she does not have custody of. That money goes to the child's legal guardian.

Can the courts reverse decision of custody?

Custody decisions are never final because they must be governed by the best interests of the children and, as circumstances change, a judge may decide that a new custody order is needed. Changes in parents living circumstances, their health or mental health or new information about the children's circumstances or neesd I agree. The courts CAN do whatever they want. But a lot of it depends on whether you are the father or mother, and how much money you make. Remember, family courts are 100% about money, and NOTHING about the child. If you are the father, and mother has custody, it is unlikely they will ever give you custody, unless she kills the kid, but then it is too late. The main issues for custody decisions are 1) who is the mother and 2) who can pay more child support. If you are father, and you make more money, forget getting custody. The odds are 1/1000000, and it will only happen if the judge truly feels that by giving mother custody, the child will die, and then he will be blamed.

Does full custody including food money?

Custody is a separate issue from money. Child support payments are about money. Custody is about who raises a child, who is in charge of that child and with whom does that child live.

Can the father of the child who does not have custody win back custody if mother cannot support child financially if the father is going in the navy?

Money will rarely if ever be a consideration for the court with regard to the best interest of the child. That is why the non-custodial parent will pay child support. If the mother is a good parent other than that, it is very unlikely that a court would remove the child from her.

If a father is seeking joint custody and the mother has been served court papers what rights does the father have until the case goes to court?

* It depends if you've made an effort to support your child. If you ran away from your responsibilities and didn't pay that child support then those are marks against you in the court system. If the mother refused to take any money or refused to see you the courts will take this into consideration. At the present time you have no custody at all, and unfortunately, you have no rights until this case comes before a court of law.

Can a father offer the mother money to have custody of children?


What is best way to get child support to the mother if mother has stopped child from seeing father?

Pay your child support through either the courts or the State disbursement unit. DO NOT give any money or anything else to the obligee unless you want it to be considered a gift.

Does child support automatically end when the child reaches 19 or do you have notify the courts?

I was told that it ends when the child turns 18 inless they owe money in child support but I would ask the courts. I was told that it ends when the child turns 18 inless they owe money in child support but I would ask the courts.

If the father makes more money then the mother does he have a solid case to obtain full legal custody in a divorce?

No, If both Parents are deemed fit to raise and take care of their child they have the right to custody. Depending on where the Mother and Father live plays a role in how much you may get to see your child. Laws also vary from state to state. Check your Local State's Laws on Custodial Rights.AnswerMost jurisdictions lean toward physical custody in the mother with either legal custody in the mother or joint legal custody with both parents. There is a wide ranging understanding that mothers are generally more nurturing with young children. Courts do not make custody decisions based on income (but see child support comments), especially to separate a child from her mother because her father has a higher income.The reality is that fathers generally make more income than mothers. It follows they also generally have a better capability to acquire future assets. The father's higher income will be considered when the court issues the child support order pursuant to state guidelines and also in the distribution of marital property.It should be noted that in order to obtain full custody the father would need to show the court that the child would be better off with him due to some unfitness on the mother's part. See related question link for more information.

If one parent makes a higher income than the other divorced parent does the child automatically go to the other?

No. It depends on a lot of factors. In most situations, the mother gets custody of the child. If the mother is a felon of a drug addict, the child will probably go with the father. Money is rarely taken into consideration unless the mother cannot support the child with her income.

If the mother and father has joint custody and the father wants full custody because of the mother same sex relationship in Alabama could the father win?

It depends on the age of the child as well as the sex. The child can make the decision in their early teens. I took my child to a therapist who helped him decide, rather than running it through the courts. My opinion is that a son does well with his father in later teen years, but needs the closeness of his mother before that. The commitment of the mother's relationship to her SO matters a whole lot more than that it is a same-sex relationship. Studies are quite solid on that conclusion. Also, you could spend time and lots of money on an issue that will be moot in a few years once the child grows up. Consider maintaining a closer relationship with the child by using the money you would have spent winning to travel to him for visits. You won't have put your child through this fight and your ex may be more willing to compromise than if you forced the issue.

You now have full custody of your child and receive no support. How do you get your garnished tax return for back child support applied to what the mother owes?

You can't. If there has been a change in the custody order you are still responsible for any arrears incurred while the other parent had legal custody. Your garnishment will not be returned to you since it was imposed for money you owed. You owe those arrears until they are paid in full regardless of the change in custody.