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According to the Equal Opportunity Credit Act, your disability will not stop you from getting a credit card. If you have stopped working as a result, however, the lack of enough income may prevent you from getting a credit card.

If you have verifiable income from other sources (e.g., investments, alimony, etc.), you may incorporate that income into the total and may qualify for the card.

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Q: If one recently was disabled and is on Medicare can they get a credit card now?
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No, a payment made with a stolen credit card is not considered valid because it involves fraud and illegal activity. It is important to report such incidents to the appropriate authorities and the credit card company to prevent further unauthorized transactions.

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Yes. The legal action is terminated by the automatic stay. However, whether the credit card debt is discharged depends on how recently the card was used and for what.

Can you laminate a Medicare card?

The physical aspects of laminating a Medicare card make it possible, however this is not advisable. The Medicare card has to be scanned and laminate can interfere with the scanning.

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yes you can i have done it recently to do a balance transfer and i still use both credit cards yes you can i have done it recently to do a balance transfer and i still use both credit cards

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What the letter A stands for on Medicare card?

The "A" at the end of the Medicare number means that the SSN number on the card is that of the recipient/beneficiary.

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With the new credit card rules only recently having gone into effect, it is difficult to determine the long-term implications for retail credit card processing centers. However, in the short-term, these processing centers have had to make the same adjustments that bank credit card companies have had to do and they've had several months to make the adjustment as afforded by the law.

What happens if you are disabled and can not pay credit cards?

The credit card company won't give you a credit card if you don't have any kind of income. According to your income on a yearly basis they will decide if you will be able to pay of your debts. Most people with a lower income will get around a 1000 to 2000 USD max. limit

If you just came to USA recently on H1B and got a SSN and you need to start building your credit which is an optimal credit card?

I too am on H1B and got a SSN. The Wachovia and Bank Of America Secured card already declined me.