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Q: If particles gain energy do they move closer or further apart?
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What do particles do during expansion and contraction?

If the object is heated it will expand because the particles gain energy from the heat and move about more vigorously causing them to bump into each other and move further and further apart. When the substance is cooled (gets cold) the particles slow down and move closer and closer together causing the object to contract.

Are the particles in gas far apart?

Yes they are. They become even further apart when they get more energy (warm up).

Why does a solid melt when it gets hot?

its all about the particle arangements. in a solid the particles are close together, when it gets hot the particles get more energy so the particles vibrate therefore the particles are further apart. this is then the particle arrangements of a liquid. the more you heat, the more energy, so the particles will get further apart and in the end turn in to a gas... hope this help x

How do liquids evaporate when heated?

When the liquid is heated, the particles are given more kinetic energy. This means that they will move faster and further apart. As the particles move faster and further apart, the intermolecular forces become weaker. So it evaporates (becomes a gas)

Are molecules in cool substances closer together than in hot substances?

Yes, they are. Molecules get further apart as they gain energy.

When air particles are further apart what do you have?


As you get higher in the atmosphere does the particles get closer together or farther apart?

the particles get closer together because my class just talked about that stuff!!

In hot air are particles closer together?

No, farther apart.

Are the lines closer together or further apart to indicate a steep slope?


Are particles in a gas or a liquid further apart?

The molecules in a gas are spread further apart than those in a liquid.

How does the behaviour of particles change ass energy is added to particles?

When heat is added to a particle, it will get more exited and move faster. The more heat you add, the faster the particles will move, and the further form one another they will be. Therefore, adding energy to the particles will also increase the spaces between them.

When a gas turns into a solid hoe does it change affect energy?

Particles in the gas are in a state of rapid and random motion because of their high kinetic energy content. This explains why they are spaced so far apart too. Particles in a liquid have higher attractive forces towards each other but lower internal kinetic energy. This brings the particles closer together. Particles in a solid have the least kinetic energy and the highest interatomic/intermolecular attractive forces (except for substances that sublime). This makes them stick together. Cooling a gas condenses it to a liquid by removing energy from it. Cooling a liquid even further removes even more energy from it. The particles come closer together and a solid is formed.