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Q: If people are retarded stereotypes and think your gay because your vocie and picking up things from all of your girl freinds how do you get them to back off?
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Is picking on the weaker man an idiom?

No because you can figure out the meaning. "Picking on" is slang, however, for attacking or teasing.

Can ghosts kidnap you?

no because they have no way of picking you up

Is picking apples from the orchard stealing?

yes because you have to pay for them

Was it discrimination when a lady called me mentally retarded after I showed her my handicapped plate while picking up child from school?

Insults do not constitute discrimination. The discrimination only happens after you are denied some form of service because of your handicap. However, if that woman is an employee of the school or city she should be reported to her supervisor and you should follow up to make certain she was disciplined.

What is the most common reason for picking a political party?

Sadly, I think the most common reason for picking a political party is "Because that's what my parents were".

Why does a guy poke you and dance in front of you but he doesn't know you?

because he is picking

Why does Wall-E picking up trash?

Because he worked at a junk yard

What is the probability of picking a ball from a bag containing 4 red balls 3 green balls 2 yellow balls?

That depends. Picking a red ball is 4/9 Picking a green ball is 3/9 = 1/3 Picking a yellow ball is 2/9. Picking a ball is 9/9 or 1 because you'll always take one.

What is a ghetto hug?

A ghetto hug is a term used to describe a type of embrace that is perceived as rough or lacking in affection, often involving minimal physical contact. It is considered offensive and perpetuates stereotypes.

What types of jobs do migrant workers have?

grape picking,pacha picking,fig picking,cotton picking,buck barley,harvest crops,picking peas.

What group of people does short sightedness effect mostly?

because they get tired of people picking of them

How is the plant life in colorado?

It is average, but DO NOT go picking anything, because it would get WORSE!