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No, because they will all contain different ingredients, and probably different amounts of dissolved CO2 gas.

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Q: If shaking five different typpes of sodas will they spew the same amount?
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Why are sodas good?

sodas are good beacuase the amount of sugar and the flavoring but are horrable for theeth beacuase of the acid

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Bernardo is more willing to perform social customs such as having sodas and shaking hands with Riff than Riff is.?


Why is soda different colors?

Different sodas have different ingredients and dyes in them. If you read the label on sodas like Fanta, it says all of the food coloring they use in it.

What pop has the least amount of calories?

Some diet sodas have 0 calories.

How many sodas are there and what are they?

There are around 1,508 different sodas just in the US. The list would be flying off this page so I didn't include it. Sorry:)

Why do sodas rust nails at different rate?

Because there is different acid content in each soda.

How does Mentos react to different carbonated liquids?

it becomes pressurized.

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Do all brains of sodas spray the same amount when you shake them up?

no all brands of soda have diffrent amount of carbon dioxid that biulds up to the top

Would it matter if you use different sodas?

it depends. if you go from sprite to diet dr. pepper, it would taste much different. similar sodas like sprite to diet sprite would not be a huge difference. stay away from diet; its not healthy

Why does soda disintegrate items?

Sodas are carbonated and fairly acidic. All acids are corrosive. The acids in sodas can easily disintegrate certain substances much more quickly and affectively than they will others. However, over time sodas can do a severe amount of damage to materials. For example, drinking sodas frequently over a long period of time will wear the enamel off of your teeth, even if you brush them twice a day everyday!!