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In the early '70's I was in an abusive relationship that turned physical. I got out of it very quickly (6 to 8 months) compared to where I am now (4 years of abuse). Honestly, it took me almost 2 years to stop ducking everytime someone (a man) moved too fast, too close. And to this day I still flinch - especially inside - when I feel or remember that feeling. I wish more people had wanted to communicate with me then about it and be supportive.

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Q: If someone expects that you might hit them does that mean that they have been abused?
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I have just adopted a dog and when i were playing with him and he coward in fear does this mean he could have been abused?

He Might Have Been Abused, But He Might Also Not Be Used To Being Played With.

Is it normal for someone who has been abused to be obsessively reading books on abusive men or looking at abuse websites trying to find that one thing that will put the abuser in his place?

It might be necessary to get the person in for therapy. If nothing else, the therapist might be able to get the abused person to leave the abusive relationship and be a little less obsessive.

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If you meet an abused person in the street, there are seldom any obvoius signs of the abuse. Mental attitude to general friendships and to sex may give a clue.

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People who have been sexually abused have reported being sexually abused.

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Vulnerable: You could fall out of bed at night, and split your head on a rail. Abused: At some point, someone has done something mean to you when you did nothing to warrant it.

I'm getting sexually abused but I like it what do I do?

You need to tell someone asap! I know how hard it is, I've been through it all. If you need someone to talk about it with, I will be open for you. :)

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He might have a good life or a bad life . Like he might have been abused or he could live in a manision with tons of family & friends that love him . It depends on the person .

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it might not even be what you did for the dolphin to bite you. it could have been abused by other people. i watched a thing on tv about weird attacks. and dolphins were in it.

Why is meh cat trying to kill meh?

It might have been abused when it was young, or you are doing something wrong when trying to care for it. Or dog scent or any other predator to cats might be on your clothes.

Can An Animal go crazy if it has been abused?

Yes, it is possible for an animal to go crazy if abused.