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MRIs == ==

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Q: If someone has more than one MRI scan would you use MRIs or MRI's?
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What are tests that doctors use to study the brain?

Nuero exams, CT scan, MRIs

Which instance would it be most helpful to scan?

You're looking for someone's name in a list.

If someone swallowed a safety pin or paper clip would it show up on a ct scan if not what type of test would prove it?

It is likely to show up on a CT. More cheaper and quicker would be to take an abdominal x-ray which would show it clearly.

What is the definition of isointense?

Having the same intensity as another object. Used to describe the results of imaging tests, such as x-rays, MRIs, or CT scans. Isoinetnse to muscle means having the same intensity as muscle on a scan.

What does the CAT scan scan for?

A cat scan or CT scan (same thing) shows doctors a slice of the bodies insides, it is good for diagnosing problems with bones and soft organs like liver, bowel, spleen, and pancreas. Plain xrays only show bones and its 2 dimensional. MRIs are good for muscles and tissues like tendons.

In what situation would a ct scan be more useful than an X-ray?

When The Doctor Needs To See More Body Tissuse

Why would a ct scan be more useful to a doctor than a simple x-ray?

A CT scan would be more useful to show the internal organs, muscles, veins and arteries. X-rays have a more limited scope. For example, problems with the liver, brain, pancreas and spleen can not be shown on an x-ray.

How do you scan a 1998 Honda Prelude?

Needs more explanation on what you mean by "scan".

What is cp scan?

they are doing cp scan on me. i would like to know what it is, and what they are checking for.

Would someone get caught if they scan manga to their computer without uploading it to the internet?

Probably not. Also, I dont think scanning it is illegal. Only reposting it is.

How can someone scan documents?

The first thing you need of course is a scanner. There are many different types of scanners available. One of the easiest to use would be ones that you can lay the document on the glass and scan it that way.

What is a c p scan?

they are doing cp scan on me. i would like to know what it is, and what they are checking for.