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First things first, get medical help on the way, you will not be able to save them by yourself, you're just trying to prolong their life till professionals get there. EVEN IF THAT MEANS LEAVING THEM ALONE WHILE YOU GET HELP!

There are only two things you can do when its as bad as this. The heart is surrounded by the lungs, so likely as not, the lungs will be punctured, and the bullet hole will now be what's known as a sucking chest wound.

This means the chest cavity will be drawing in air, instead of the lungs. So the lungs as well as filling up with blood will not be able to draw their regular amount of air in. The victim will be finding it more and more difficult to breathe. This will also probably be making them panic.

First step you need top stop this, find anything air tight yet flexible like a sheet of plastic, or even a plastic bag. As long as its not too dirty, anything will do, even something you find lay on the side of the road. Forget about it being unsterilised, they will die of their injuries long before they catch an infection!

Now you have a bag or something press it over the wound, to stop more air going in the hole. If they are still with it, talk to them, reassure them that they will survive, tell them that an ambulance is on its way. Get them to hold your temporary chest patch in place.

Now start checking their chest over for exit wounds. If its a woman injured, and you're a man tell her what you are doing. Even at a time like this she will be well aware of where your hands are. Start Checking round the victims chest. The entry wound will be small, but if its exited the body, expect something big, Maybe even something you can fit your fist in such is the nasty way bullets work, again find some plastic sheet to make it air tight.

Now to concentrate on reducing bleeding. You've seen films where they tear up a shirt to make bandages, well now its your turn, sorry if its your best shirt, but its life and death.

Other than that keep talking to them, keep reassuring, that's really all you can do till the pro's get there. Expect to get coated in blood, and sorry to say this, but prepare yourself in case they don't make it.

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