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Answer 1So you're saying they told the truth after they were caught. No, I wouldn't trust them. Answer 2Not a chance of that individual being trusted IN ANY manner. A liar is a liar. j3h. Anwer 3Absolutely not! No one knows who that other person is. The police tear their hair out with people continuously talking to total strangers they think they know. Right! Get rid of this guy! AnswerWell, they lied to you, how much can you trust them. They told you the truth later AFTER you caught them, that's not a good way to start a relationship. I wouldn't personally trust them because they were willing to lie to you from the beginning. AnswerIf you have to ask then no. Why would they have to lie if what they were doing isn't wrong? If they can earn you trust back and you can feel confident that they will not lie to you anymore then move forward. If this is a partner there should be nothing to hide. AnswerTime will tell about trust. It so depends on what the other person lied about. Everyone has fears about something that another person can see. You may want to do a basic background check before going anywhere but a neutral place with them or sharing finances, etc. AnswerRealistically, most people do some lying at first when they start communicating with someone on-line, mostly to protect themselves, so you shouldn't use that as a basis to NEVER trust them. On the other hand, it sure doesn't provide any reason that you SHOULD trust them either. I'd say that if they started being honest after viewing web-cam, then consider it a neutral start. It isn't safe to trust them just based on viewing the web-cam. They still need to earn your trust, just like anyone in the off-line world. We expect those we have just met face-to-face in the flesh to earn our trust. The standards shouldn't be that much different in the on-line world.
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Q: If someone lied to you about who they are but told you the truth later after viewing web-cam is it safe to trust them?
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To find out if someone has a trust in their name, call the bank that you are suspecting they have the trust at. From there, they can tell you whether or not they have a trust. However, they are not required to.

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It is not really possible.

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