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MIGHT makes right/the victor WRITES the rules/he who has the gold makes the rules... Justice? Refer to the above.

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Q: If the Allies had lost the war would the Japanese have been justified in trying American leaders as war criminals for dropping the atomic bombs?
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Was the US Justified in Dropping the Atomic Bombs?


Can the dropping of hiroshima be justified in bullet points?

As a matter of fact it can

Was the dropping of the bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki justified?

Most people think so.

7 How did American and Japanese citizens view the atomic bomb dropping in 1945 and in 1995?

they did random phone calls and asked random questions.. :)

Do you support the traditional view that the US ended the war and saved both American and Japanese people due to the dropping of the atomic bombs?

Absolutely, unquestionably.

After the dropping of the atomic bombs was world war 2 over?

yes, in a way, it was not directly after the dropping that it was over but the Japanese surrendered after that.

Was the dropping of the atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki during World War 2 justified?

Most people think so.

What was the US hoping to avoid by dropping the atomic bombs?

The invasion of Mainland Japan, which was the only other alternative, and which would have been horrifically costly in lives - both American and Japanese.

Can dropping the atomic bomb on Hiroshoma in 1945 be justified?

Whew. Good one. Some would say 'yes', because it convinced the Japanese to surrender earlier than they would have. Had the Japanese held out and not surrendered until after a land invasion of Japan, hundreds of thousands of people would have died in the ensuing conflicts. The atomic bombs convinced the Japanese that they could be destroyed without requiring a land invasion.

How did the dropping of the atom bombs on japan change the world?

japan was warned but the Japanese refused to surrender.therfore on August 6, 1945 an American plane dropped the atomic bomb on hiroshima japan.

Was the atomic bomb dropping necessary?

Yes, dropping the atomic bombs was necessary. The offspring of a million American Grandfathers would not be alive today if Truman had decided to invade the island of Japan. Anyone who thinks that the Japanese people would not have fought to the death is kidding themselves. Millions of Japanese men, women and children would have killed themselves rather than surrender to the Americans. Read about the fight for Okinawa and you will have some idea of how tenaciously the Japanese were prepared to fight for their homeland. Anyone who thinks that a negotiated settlement could be reached with the Japanese in 1945 has no understanding of the Japanese or American character. The time for talk was long past and both the Americans on the offensive and the Japanese on the defensive were prepared to slug it out until the bitter end. You sell the Japanese people short if you think they would have listened to reason, when their homeland and emporer were threatened. The Japnanese are a proud and strong people, only the reality of the technical superiority of the American military demonstrated by the dropping of the atomic bombs would bring the conflict to a sudden, dreadful, and conclusive end.

How did the dropping of the bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki help the peace advocates within the Japanese government?

The Japanese realized they had to give up.