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If the Buddhist\'s primary aspiration is asceticism, government is still permissible because it allows for the freedom of religion. This is in spite of government\'s entrenchment in the physical world.

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Q: If the Buddhist's primary aspiration is asceticism why is government permissible since this is an entrenchment of the physical world?
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No. The Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) lists the permissible purposes for those wanting to obtain a person’s credit report. You can get your own score, but access to your report by others is restricted to government agencies and businesses that have a “permissible purpose.”

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Lady Chang aspired for her son to become a successful and respected official in the government. She hoped that he would bring honor to their family through his achievements and contribute positively to society through his service.

What does it mean to entrench rights in the constitution?

it is where the constitution is protected through it's own laws and regulations. For some countries, there must be a certain amount of public support as well as support from a certain number of members of the government. E.g. In America, to change the constitution, the government must have a majority of it's members must agree as well as 2/3s of the states must agree in order to change a part of their constitution. In the UK, entrenchment doesn't exist. Parliament could change the constitution as they please as they are sovereign (the ultimate power in the UK), although government can change the constitution as much as they can (needing an overall majority within government) parliament still have the last word of the matter. There is no need for entrenchment in the UK as it uses an uncodified constitution and therefore a majority of the constitution isn't written on a document, but can easily be changed by the government or parliament (but is unlikely without consulting the public via a referendum as this could lead to considered dictatorship and could threaten democracy and the people would not like this and would protest).

What kinds of provisions are found in all state Constitutions?

Provisions establishing a legislature, an executive and a judiciary, terms of office, rights of each office, provisions for amending the constitution, permissible powers of government and forbidden powers of government. These you will find in all state constitutions.

What is the law of noise in the Philippines?

In the Philippines, noise is regulated under the Republic Act No. 7160 or the Local Government Code of 1991. Local government units are tasked with enforcing noise regulations, which may include setting permissible noise levels and designated quiet hours. Violators may face fines or other penalties for excessive noise disturbances.

Which is the permissible noise level at residential area during night time?

This varies and you should check with the appropriate level of government depending on where you live. In North America, the social norm is 7:00 AM to 11:00 PM but the law may be different from this.

What is legally sanctioned racial discrimination?

Legally sanctioned racial discrimination refers to policies, laws, or practices that permit discrimination based on race within the framework of the law. This discrimination is authorized and supported by the government or other legal authorities, making it permissible within certain contexts.

How is morality in government?

In thinking about the government's proper role in promoting morals, it is helpful first to understand the nature of the disagreement. Part I of this Essay examines what is commonly meant by-as the great Lon Fuller described it-the "morality of law."' Following Professor Fuller's framework, this Essay distinguishes between two very different moralities of law: the "morality of duty" and the "morality of aspiration." The morality of duty consists of the basic proscriptions-against murder or theft, for example-required by any governmental authority. The morality of aspiration, however, is a different matter altogether. It comprises the rules associated with promoting virtue. Part I concludes by recasting government's role in promoting virtue, in light of Professor Fuller's insight, as an attempt to promote a specific type of morality: the morality of aspiration. Part II explores the wisdom of giving the government the role of regulating the morality of aspiration by asking why there is an apparent inclination to legislate virtue. The Essay concludes that this inclination owes more to history than to nature and can be traced to the merger of the state and the church in Tudor England. "Aspirational morality" was once the exclusive province of the church, outside the jurisdiction of the state. King Henry VIII, however, saw this separation of church and state as onerous because the Church repeatedly exercised its freedom from his control by condemning his adultery as "immoral." To correct this state of affairs and facilitate his own "affairs," King Henry commandeered the responsibilities of the Church and made morality the responsibility of the State.