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"separation of church and state" is not a constitutional principle, that's an idea from groups such as the ACLU. The framers of the constitution wanted to prevent a State sponsored church, such as the Church of England. What SHOULD be the problem with a religious group joining together to promote their goals? It certainly seems to be acceptable for Athiests, unions, baby killers and any other group of like-minded people.

"The phrase separation of church and state is generally traced to a letter written by Thomas Jefferson in 1802 to the Danbury Baptists, in which he referred to the First Amendment of the United States Constitution as creating a "wall of separation" between church and state.."

so what's the answer? will they be required to pay Taxes or no?

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Q: If the USA adheres to separation of Church and State should those Religious denominations who meddles with the Government function be required to pay taxes?
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