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Yes it can be, i was told last Friday when i went for a dating scan at 9wks and 3 days that my baby had died some 4 weeks before. I was testing positive right up until that day

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Q: If the baby is a missed miscarriage will a pregnancy test still be positive?
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Will pregnancy test still read positive after miscarriage?

Will pregnancy test still read positive after miscarriage?

Can you have a negative pregnancy test and then have a miscarriage after?

No, if you're having a miscarriage, the pregnancy test will still be positive as you're passing the pregnancy.

Can you have a positive pregnancy test after a miscarriage?

Yes you can. Pregnancy tests can come out positive weeks after a miscarriage. but you should still get checked by a doctor because you may have just been bleeding. you can't tell for sure if you had a miscarriage unless you see a doctor.

When had miscarriage and linen of womb swollen can it make you have a positive pregnancy test?

Yes, if the miscarriage was recent then your hormone levels are still not back to normal and it could cause a false positive result on a pregnancy test.

Had a missed miscarriage Lots of cramping without any bleeding Pregnancy test is reading faded but still pregnant What can you do to flush out the pregnancy hormone?

There is NO such thing as a "missed miscarriage". You're either "pregnant" or "not pregnant". You can have a threatened miscarriage, but not a missed one. You cannot "flush out" pregnancy hormones; in fact, drinking lots of water only dilutes the urine more.Go to a doctor for a blood test and exam. These will be the most reliable.

After a miscarriage and home test is still positive is it possible that you are still pregnant?

Wait a few weeks to take a pregnancy test after a miscarriage. It will take a while for the pregnancy hormone to get out of your system, so a test will show up positive even if you are not pregnant. Hope this helps. And I am sorry for your loss.

Can i still have miscarriage at twenty seven weeks of pregnancy?

you can have a miscarriage at any time of pregnancy

If you have a miscarriage will a pregnancy test still show positive?

Until all the hormones are washed from your body, you can still show positive on an OTC pregnancy test. The earlier you miscarry the sooner the test will become negative as there are fewer hormones in the body.

Can you still have a positive pregnancy test after having a miscarriage while on birth control?

Absolutely! While birth control does not affect the accuracy of a pregnancy test, the body will still have some pregnancy hormone (hCG) that will show up in blood or urine pregnancy tests even after a miscarriage. As the levels drop, the test will eventually become negative.

How long must you wait before doing a pregnancy test?

if i had a miscarriage in late october would i still be getting positive pregnancy test results on December 12

Will a home pregnancy test still be positive if you have a miscarriage?

Yes it takes a few weeks until the hormones goes back to normal.

If you still have a positive pregnancy test a week after a suspected miscarriage what does this mean?

It means that there is still the presence of the pregnancy hormone (hCG). Home pregnancy tests give positive results when they detect the presence of hCG. It can take days to several weeks for a woman's hCG levels to return to baseline after a miscarriage; it all depends on how far along she was. Taking home pregnancy tests in the first few weeks after a miscarriage is not a reliable way to check for pregnancy because of all of the false negative results, due to the lingering pregnancy hormone in the woman's system.