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it is always half so 5 chromosomes.

-By SciienceFreak

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Q: If the body cells of an organism have 10 chromosomes then its sex cells would have what?
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If the body cells of an organism have 20 chromosomes then the sex cells produced during meiosis would have how many chromosomes?


If the body cells of an organism have 10 chromosomes then the sex cells produced during meiosis would have?

If the body cells have 10 chromosomes, the sex cells produced during meiosis would have 5 chromosomes. This is because meiosis involves two rounds of cell division, resulting in cells with half the number of chromosomes as the original body cells.

How many chromosomes do body cells of organisms have in relationship to the sex cells of the same organism?

There are 46 chromosomes in the body cells of organisms which have a relationship with the sex cells.

An organism with 24 chromosomes in each body cell will produce sex cells with chromosomes?


How many chromosomes are in the body cells of an organism that has a haploid?

50 million

How does the number of chromosomes in gametes of an organism that reproduces sexually differ from the numbers of chromosomes in other cells?

Unlike somatic (body) cells, gametes have two time the number of chromosomes as body cells. Gametes (2n). Body cells (n). For example, human 46 chromosomes in gamete cells but half of that (23) in body cells.

Why is it important sex cells have half the number of chromosomesas body cells?

This is important because two sex cells become fertilized and join together to form the new organism. If sex cells had the same number of chromosomes as body cells, then offspring would have twice as many chromosomes as a normal animal would.

If an organism has 16 chromosomes in each of its egg cells the organisms diploid number is 32?

Yes, that is correct. If an organism has 16 chromosomes in its egg cells, its diploid number would be 32. This means that in its somatic cells, which are diploid, it would have 32 chromosomes, with each chromosome having a pair.

Wheat has 42 chromosomes. How many chromosomes are in their body cells?

A typical body cell (somatic cell) of wheat will also have 42 chromosomes, as the chromosome number is consistent across most cells in an organism.

Compare the number of chromosomes in an organism's body cells with the number in its reproductive cells?

The reproductive cells of an organism each contribute half of the required genetic material to create the offspring. This means that each reproductive cell has 1n, while the organism has 2n chromosomes.

If the number of chromosomes in the skin cell of an organism is 28 what is the number of chromosomes in the organism's cells?

depends on the organism, but (i think) it should be half the normal number of chromosomes in a normal cell, because the gametes (egg and sperm) are haploid cells, meaning they have half the number because when they fuse together in fertilisation they need to have the correct amount of chromosomes so that they can duplicate and grow into an embryo.

How do cells work inside a body?

Cells are actually the elemental constituents of body who unite together to form tissues and these later unite to form an organ, then organism. So it can be said that cells are building blocks of human body. The cells can be haploids or diploids and they form chromosomes. the Chromosomes can be either sex linked chromosomes or non sex linked chromosomes. These cells undergo cell division process either through "MITOSIS" or "MEIOSIS" to form chromosomes. Depending upon there linkage as sex or non-sex they help in determining the genotype and phenotype of the organism. Thus we see that it's the cells that determine the genotype or the genetic constituent of the organism and also the phenotype or the physical characteristics of the organism.