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The no contact order was probably issued by a court, so you would need to file a motion to modify or vacate the order.

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Q: If the city entered a no contact order against the will of the victim is there a way to have it dropped?
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In a case of no contact is the victim's phone ever traced too and if so would his or her leaving a message on an answering machine count against the no contact?

Very simple answer. NO CONTACT means no contact, period.

What happens if the state motions to prosecute a domestic violence offender after the charges are dropped?

Assuming that you mean the charges were originally taken by the victim and dropped by or at the request of the victim, Then if the state (in GA at least) motions to prosecute (typically domestics) on behalf of the state, then the charges stand and the victim takes on the role of victim/witness in stead of victim/complainant. The state can continue to pursue domestic violence charges and prosecution in domestic situations now due to laws adopted after years of battered spouses dropping charges against their abusers because of fear and misguided loyalty.

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no improprer or allowable contact with a person or object

Can you have charges dropped against someone who assaulted you with a weapon in tx?

YOU cannot have the charges dropped by yourself. Such an assault is a crime against the state and only the prosecutor can 'drop' the charges. If you are a reluctant 'complaining witness' speak to the prosecutor about your hesitation to go forward.

How can a person be convicted of dissuading a victim if there was no crime when charges were dropped?

Your question is an attempt at changing the time-line of events, and re-stating them out of the sequence in which they actually occurred. (1) You committed the offense (2) The victim reported it (3) You were arrested (4) At sometime after your arrest you apparently brought pressure to bear on the victim to withdraw their complaint against you. It is at this point that you apparently committed the act that 'dissuaded' the victim (Intimidation of a State's Witness) from going forward with their testimony . FACT: simply because the victim expresses the desire withdraw their complaint does NOT automatically "drop" the charges and make them 'go away.' In reality they weren't dropped, and the charge still exist because it is the STATE that is prosecuting you for the offense, and NOT the individual victim personally.

Can simple assault charges be dropped if victim does not testifies?

state can pick up the charge if they want.

Is it illegal do discriminate against bisexual in the internet?

Yes. It is very much illegal. It is considered the same as discriminating against homosexuals. Not that the internet is governed very well. If you or someone you know is a victim of discrimination please contact your local police.

Can UK assault charges be dropped?

An assault case in the UK is The State vs The Accused, and while charges can be dropped at the request of the victim, it's not automatic. Depending on the circumstances (if the attacker was armed, whether the attack was premeditated) the state might ignore the wishes of the victim.

What happens if i have a no contact order on me because of a crime i committed and the victim tries to contact me?

It depends on the legislation of the place where you are. Contact a local lawyer

What is a legal wrong committed against the community as well as against the immediate victim?

A crime

Is it true that charges can not be dropped because the police filed on behalf of the victim It's been 4 months and victim no longer wishes to pursue anything or is this some lie?

If the victim filed an offense report with law enforcement reporting that a criminal act had been committed against them, the police and the legal system are obligated to pursue the matter. A violation of state criminal law is a violation against ALL citizens of the state, not just against one individual who may decide, at their whim, to prosecute or not. Whether the individual wishes to drop charges or not has no effect on whether the case will go forward or not, once they reported it, it is out of their hands.