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yes, it is normal for it to slide back over the glans while having an erection.

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Q: If the foreskin is pulled back during an erection should the foreskin still naturally retract over the glans whilst still having an erection?
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My foreskin removes itself i don't do anything for circumcision?

During sexual stimulation your foreskin naturally tends to retract, you do not need a circumcision to have intercourse. It is mostly done for cultural or higienic purposes.

What is a long foreskin?

By examination of the word 'long' one would assume the question is referring to a foreskin greater than average. Average foreskin covers the glans of the penis completely when soft. When erect average foreskin typically slides back and exposes some if not all of the glans. If a man has 'long' foreskin, by description alone it suggests that the foreskin is of a greater/longer amount than average. Some men with longer foreskins can have an erection with no exposure of the glans. In other cases the foreskin can be long enough to cover the glans during erection with excess at the tip. Typically the position of the foreskin is dependant upon the elasticity and size of the frenum, which attatches the foreskin to the underside of the glans. The more flexible and abundant the frenum is, the more likely the foreskin is able to slide up and down.

What is forkskin?

It's foreskin, not forkskin. Foreskin is the skin that covers the glans penis (penis head). Every male is born with it, but it's sometimes removed by circumcision. The only countries in which the majority of the population are circumcised are USA and Israel. Jewish people circumcise their boys for religious reasons, while Americans do it by tradition. The foreskin protects the glans and keeps it healthy and shiny, while circumcision allows the glans to become tough and less sensitive. During sexual intercourse the foreskin bunches up stimulating the female g-spot while cushioning penis and the vagina from friction causes by the bare glans rubbing against the vulva. Most men with a foreskin can retract it at well, and some do this to urinate or masturbate. Most men's foreskin will retract by itself when the penis becomes erect. In this state intact, and circumcised penises look the same other than the frenulum on the intact penis. If you want to learn more, read the wikipedia article on the foreskin.

Can a male urinate during an errection?

You can still urinate during an erection.

What is the function of the myometrium during labor?

During labor, the myometrium contracts to push out the fetus.

Can sperm come out without an erection?

A small amount of fluid naturally escapes prior to ejaculation to aid in lubrication. That's why you can get a woman pregnant even if you pull out in time, though it's unlikely. Pulling out is the least effective form of birth control.

Does your penis become circumcised over time?

No. Circumcision is a surgery during which a doctor cuts off part of the skin of the penis, called the foreskin. The vast majority of men in the world are not circumcised, but circumcision is practiced by some religious and cultural groups.Yes, for some individuals, the foreskin shortens due to the onset of puberty where the head of the penis grows at a faster rate than the foreskin. The glans would then be partially or completely exposed in the process thus becoming naturally circumcised. It is somewhat analogous to an adult wearing an overgrown size T shirt.However this varies from person to person and factors that might contribute to one becoming naturally circumcised after puberty include the shape of the glans and the length or shape of the foreskin of the individual.Read more: When_will_your_penis_change_from_uncircumcised_to_circumcised

What is steel erection?

Steel erection means the construction, alteration or repair of steel buildings, bridges and other structures, including the installation of metal decking and all planking used during the process of erection

Penis care (uncircumcised)?

Alternative NamesUncircumcised penis - bathing; Cleaning an uncircumcised penisInformationAn uncircumcised penis is one with its foreskin intact. An infant boy with an uncircumcised penis requires no special care. Normal bathing is enough to keep it clean.It is NOT recommended to pull back (retract) the foreskin for cleaning during infancy and childhood. This may injure the foreskin and cause scarring that could make retraction painful and difficult later in life.Teenage boys should be taught to gently retract the foreskin during bathing and clean the penis thoroughly. After cleaning the penis, dry the area completely. Then, it is very important to pull the foreskin back over the head of the penis. Otherwise, the foreskin can slightly constrict the head of the penis, causing swelling and pain, called paraphimosis. This requires medical treatment.ReferencesBuescher JJ, Bland H. Care of the newborn. In: Rakel RE, ed. Textbook of Family Medicine. 7th ed. Philadelphia, Pa: Saunders Elsevier; 2007:chap 30.

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Why do male human beings have a foreskin?

The primary function of the foreskin is to protect the delicate mucosa of the head (glans) of the penis. The foreskin keeps the head of the penis moist and protect it from excess friction, thus retaining increased sensitivity in the head of the penis. This leads to increased pleasure during sexual activity and masturbation. The foreskin also provides a sliding action that allows for easier stimulation of the penis during masturbation or sexual it

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