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This could be a situation where a crime has been committed. The laws vary by state, but the age of consent is usually 16. They could certainly file a criminal complaint.

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Q: If the male is 16 and the girl is 14 could the parents file charges?
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He could be brought on criminal charges. Once someone breaks the law, it isn't necessarily the parents that have to decide whether or not to press charges. The prosecutor makes the decision. And parents cannot 'allow' someone to break the law. He could if the wrong person finds out about it like the police. If the parents of the 15 year old don't press charges then maybe he won't get caught. I don't know what the law is in Georgia but it may be possible for him to marry the girl then it will be legal but she would need the parents consent.

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In most places, parents cannot press charges for their child dating someone younger. However, depending on the age of consent laws in their state or country, the 15-year-old's parents could potentially press charges for statutory rape. It's important for all parties involved to be aware of and follow the laws in their jurisdiction.

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If her parents press charges then yes, and if she presses charges then yes.

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Legal harassment is difficult to define, for instance nuisance telephone calls are not something that could be seen as a criminal violation unless specific threats are made and the threats are documented. If other methods of ceasing the harassment have been tried, such as speaking with the juvenile's parents, school authorities, etc. the parents could file a petition in the circuit court for a no contact order against the juvenile. Needless to say, if it is believed that the minor child is in physical danger the police should be contacted immediately. The decision of whether or not charges could be brought against the juvenile would be made by the state prosecutor's office after reviewing the evidence.

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Doesn't matter if his legal birthday is tomorrow, his parents can call the law and have him removed from your home, possibly pressing charges against you. Plus, until he is of legal age (by law - not by mentality), the parents could charge the girl in statuatory(?) rape, or carnal knowledge of a minor.

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The authorities can press charges because they are the ones that enforce the laws. Parently consent to this doesnt override the law.