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solar- and the moon isn't "a" lunar, lunar is an adjective describing anything that has to do w/ the moon

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Q: If the moon is a lunar than what is the sun?
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Related questions

What type of eclipse is it when the earth is between the sun and moon?

lunar eclipse. lunar = moon, solar=sun. lunar eclipse= moon eclipsed

Is lunar another word for sun?

No, lunar is not another word for sun. Lunar means "relating to the Moon",or "of the Moon". Another word for our Sun is a "star".

Why does a lunar eclipse lasts longer than a solar eclipse?

Because in a lunar eclipse the earth blocks the moon from the sun, and the earth is bigger. Solar eclipses are when the moon blocks the earth from the sun, and the moon is smaller, thus taking less time than a lunar eclipse.

How is solar eclipse different than lunar eclipse?

solar eclipse is when the moon comes between the sun and the earth but in a lunar eclipse the earth comes between the sun and the moon

What is the Chinese lunar calendar based on the movement of the moon or the sun?

The moon. Lunar means moon. Solar means sun.

If sun is to solar as moon is to orbit lunar planet space?

Please ask only ONE question at a time, do not add more questions in the answer section. The answer to "Sun is to solar as moon is to what?" is "as moon is to lunar."

What is a lunar moon?

A lunar moon is when the earth passes between the moon and the sun , casting a shadow on the moon

What is the correct order during a lunar eclipse?

during a lunar eclipse, earth, sun and moon are in a straight line, First it's the sun, then earth, and last the moon.

When does the moon rise with sun?

The only time the moon rises with the sun is during a lunar eclipse. Lunar eclipses only occur during a new moon when the moon is between the earth and the sun.

Were is the moon in relation to the sun and earth during a lunar eclipse?

In a lunar eclipse, the Sun, Earth and Moon are lined up so precisely that the Moon is in the Earth's shadow. Sun . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Earth - Moon

Moon is to lunar and sun is to what?


In a lunar eclipse the moon is between the earth and the sun?

No that's a solar eclipse in a lunar eclipse the Earth is between the sun and moon.