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All day, every day. That's why the lender required a co-signor.

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Q: If the original applicant of a loan is deceased is the co-signer liable?
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Would a cosigner be liable for debt?

Absolutely ! That's the whole point of someone co-signing the agreement. If the original person defaults on payments, the co-signer becomes liable !

Is a cosigner liable for a death if the car has no insurance?

No, a co signor would not be liable. A co-buyer would be liable.

How can a cosigner sue estate of deceased borrower?

To sue the estate of a deceased borrower as a cosigner, you would need to file a claim in probate court against the estate. The court will then determine if the debt owed is legitimate and if the estate is liable to pay it off. It is advisable to consult with a probate attorney for guidance through this process.

Is a cosigner liable for an automotive repossession in Michigan?

When you cosign for an automobile purchase you are typically liable for an automobile repossession in Michigan. The reason why is because you are responsible for car payments as a cosigner if the primary debtor cannot pay.

Is a cosigner on a car liable if the primary borrower is at fault in an accident?

No. A cosigner's only obligation is the debt incurred by signing the lending agreement.

What happens when a car is repossessed and you are the cosigner?

You will also be liable for any deficiency balance

Is child liable for a deceased parent's debt?

As long as the child is not a cosigner on the debt, the child is not responsible for parent's debt. The parent's estate would be responsible for the debt. Technically this could reduce the inheritance the child receives, but it is not the responsibility of the child.

Is the cosigner of a vehicle liable if the it gets repossessed?

Yes, the cosigner is typically liable for the vehicle if the primary borrower defaults and the vehicle is repossessed. The cosigner is equally responsible for the loan and may be pursued for any outstanding debts, fees, or deficiencies resulting from the repossession. It's important for cosigners to understand their obligations before agreeing to cosign a loan.

Is the estate liable for the debt on a surviorship deed?

The estate is liable for the obligations of the deceased. They would have to settle the debts.

Can a member of a deceased be held liable for a pending lawsuit against the deceased?

It depends on what the lawsuit is about but most likely no.

If the cosigner of your credit card files for bankruptcy will this effect your credit rating as well?

Yes. It's possible that the financial transaction that the cosigner was involved with (liable for) might also be affected.

Can a reference be hold liable for a loan that is not paid back in full?

In the U.S. no, unless the reference is also a cosigner.