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If the caretaking parent is incarcerated as a result of her arrest and the court is called upon to place the child in a replacement home, then the court will certainly prefer to place the child with a fit-to-parent father rather than to place the child in a foster environment. However, if the arrest of the mother does not result in her incarceration (e.g. if she is released on her own recognizance, is released as a result of posting bail, or is released under some agency's supervision), then a court is not likely to take her child away simply because she is accused of some crime, especially if the nature of crime of which she is accused does not suggest that strongly.

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Q: If two parents are in a custody battle and the primary parent has a warrant for her arrest will the judge grant custody to the father if he is a fit parent?
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Can the police knock on your door and arrest you if you have a warrant for contempt of court?

Of course they can. That's what a warrant is issued for - to take you into custody.

What is the difference between a body attachment and a warrant for arrest?

A Body Attachment is, in effect, a warrant for arrest for a civil violation (usually contempt of a civil court order), whereas an Arrest Warrant is a criminal writ to take someone into custody.

What if the name on the Arrest warrant is not you Are the police still allowed to take you into custody?

i don't think so - they would have to have reasons and an arrest warrant to arrest youAdded; Given the circumstances as stated on the discussion page, they could not legally take you into custody on that warrant given the amount of conflicting information. HOWEVER - if there was some other reason for them to take you into custody (i.e.: you obstructed them - or were in the commission of a separate and un-related offense) they could take you into custody based on THAT situation, separate from the warrant service.

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The two types of arrest are with or without a warrant.

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Any law enforcement agency can effect an arrest if they find out you have a warrant out for your arrest. The arresting agency would hold you and notify the location who issued the warrant of the arrest. At this point the agency who issued the warrant would make arrangements to collect the prisoner, take custody, and transport them back to the jurisdiction where the warrant was issued.

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Is a docket the same as a arrest warrant?

No. A docket refers to a judge's, or the court's, schedule of cases (i.e.: their workload).An arrest warrant is an order issued by the court authorizing an individual to be arrested and taken into custody.

Can you get of an arrest warrant by paying a warrant fee in Washington with out going to jail?

No. A warrant is not a "ticket" that you can out of by simply paying a fine. A warrant is issued for one purpose - to take you into custody - and bring you before the court.

Must you have a warrant of arrest to allow for surrender into custody?

It is not necessary for a warrant to actually exist - if you know, or suspect, that you are wanted for an offense you may voluntarily surrender yourself to to authorities wtihout the existence of a warrant.

What is a arrest warrent?

If you have been charged with a crime, and are not in custody yet, or have failed to appear in court to answer the charge, a criminal arrest warrant will be issued.

What does it mean case custody - fugitive?

It means the defendant has failed to appear, is missing or escaped. An arrest warrant will be issued for the person.

Whats the Difference between search and arrest warrant?

A search warrant allows the officers to enter and search your home or office, whatever is specified in the warrant. An arrest warrant allows the officers to take the offender into custody AND search the area where the offender was located.