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I think you mean "If we believe" and not "if we admire"

There is not really any clash between belief in -A- God and science.... the difficulty is between certain religious people's "form" of God and science.

All that science says is that creation happened in the Big Bang.

It claims that this happened at a certain time in the past and that following it all things have logical explanations - even if science cannot yet detail those explanations, it believes that it will eventually be able to explain all things. Science believes that life 'happened' because the conditions for it were right.

Science has no opinion on whether there was a God behind this, it sees no reason to believe that one was, but it doesn't say that there was no god behind it.

Some religions have views on creation which conflict with this, saying that all forms of life were deliberately and individually created by their God.

True science and believing admiration need not be separated. Especially when we realize that God's truth is in no way contradicted by the proven facts of science. Belief in an orderly world is a foundational assumption of all scientific endeavor. Great scientific pioneers such as Copernicus, Newton, Keppler and Galileo all believed in a creator God. Keppler dedicated his work to the glory of God.

What needs to be clearly understood is that The Bible, when rightly understood in its literal sense, does not contradict what is demonstrated by science. Many facts discovered by people who do not believe the Bible nevertheless support its view of history and of a young earth. No Bible believing scientist in this present age believes all species were individually created as they are now since we know that massive changes have occurred on this planet and creatures have adapted to these changes through the mechanism we call natural selection.

It is certainly true that science can have nothing to say about God and his existence and yet many today try to use science deliberately to promote the philosophy of naturalism, closely allied to atheistic Humanism. This need not cause anyone to be intimidated since these people deliberately re-interpret or ignore all facts which contradict their theory.

The Bible states that 'the heavens declare the glory of God' describing the wonder the author felt at even what he could see, probably without any visual aid such as a telescope. How much more today in the age of Hubble. Thus true science need not be in conflict with true faith. True science can in fact lead to more admiration as we see the order, the complexity in more and more detail. More and more scientists, although of course a tiny minority at present, do in fact just this.

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Q: If we admire completely in god then we can't admire in science completely and vice versa. Can we admire in both God Science if yes then how?
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