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Q: If we say somebody is a volcano really to explode we really mean that?
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When you say somebody is a volcano ready to explode you mean that?

when you say that somebody is a volcano ready to explode they really mean that that person is really mad and cant hold it on any more

If we say that somebody is a volcano ready to explode we really mean that?

that are angry

When you say that somebody is a volcano ready to explode you really mean?

when you say that somebody is a volcano ready to explode they really mean that that person is really mad and cant hold it on any more

What does somebody is a volcano ready to explode we really mean?

We mean that the person has a lot of anger that is being kept inside that could be released in an outburst at any time.

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That Your Loyal And Faithful To That One Person.

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To hit them really hard, as if hitting them with a sandbag

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Do volcanoes explode?

If, however, you mean erupt rather than explode then it's something like: Magma beneath the volcano comes under very high pressure, which forces it out the volcano, normally through the huge gaping hole at the top. However, very high pressure sometimes means that this hole is not enough, and magma (lava when outside the volcano) will burst out the sides of the volcano, such as the eruption at St. Helens. I don't know much about science however, I don't know why or how the magma comes under pressure in the first place.

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