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Q: If were 7 days early for your period and bleed loads even with a super tampon in could this be a miscarriage?
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I just had my period this month and now im spotting a week later could I be pregnant?

You could. But the period you had and the spotting you are now experiencing would point more to a miscarriage. If you had a period, you are no longer pregnant if you were. The stuff that comes out during your period would need to stay in there for the baby! Check to make sure you got your tampon out. Believe it or not, this happens to alot of women.

Could a bunny bleed while pregnant?

yes but only a bit if there is lots then there could be a problem or it might be a miscarriage

What happens if you bleed before birth?

Well it could mean that you are having a miscarriage, but spotting while you're pregnant around the time you have your period is normal. It could also mean that something might be wrong with the fetus(baby).

What does it mean when you bleed a week when your not on your period?

It could be that your period is early by a week

How do you kno if you having a miscarriage but didn't know you were pregnant?

It could of been a chemical pregnancy it means your positive for pregnancy yet then you bleed the egg fertilizes but does not inplant hence the bleeding. I may have been a miscarriage Most don't know their pregnant being so early in it they mistake it for a period.

I had a miscarriage sept 26 now I am cramping with some pain and bleeding could this be a period already?

yes..i got a period just 2 weeks after a miscarriage

Could a woman have a miscarriage before her first missed period?

yes a women can have a miscarriage any where between ovulation and her missed period some women know and some do not

Does white discharge mean miscarriage?

well you could google information on miscarriage but as far as i understand when you miscarriage it is similar to your period only heavier than usual and late.. so no it could just be normal discharge or it could be an STD..

Is it likely you had a miscarriage if after sex something fleshy came out and you then started a very heavy period?

It could be if you are sure you were pregnant. I had a miscarriage when I was 2 months along. One night I had sex and bleed a little afterwards. The next day I started bleeding bad and passed large clumps for hours. I went to the doctor and it was confirmed that I had been pregnant and had a miscarriage. I had sex with my fiance and he hit me on the outside of my body by accident instead of going inside of me. I bleed really bad right after that. A few days later I passed a large "sac-like" tissue. Later on the doctor told me I had had a miscarriage.

If I had a miscarriage and my pregnancy symptoms disappeared but now they are back could I still be pregnant?

If you really had a miscarriage, you can't still be pregnant, but you could be pregnant again before you get your next period.

I had my period then 9 days after I started spotting could i be pregnant?

probably you were pregnant and had a miscarriage

Could you get pregnant on your last day of your period even if you have irregular periods?

Yes, You could get pregnant whether you have regular periods or not. But, If you have your period and you get pregnant it could lead to a miscarriage.