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Q: If you've been diagnosed with Lupus how can you get health insurance coverage in New York?
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Can you get auto insurance if you've been diagnosed with lupus?

Yes you can get auto insurance if you've been diagnosed with lupus. If, however, you have central nervous system involvement and are prone to seizures you might have a problem getting or keeping your license, and therefore not insurable. Otherwise there is absolutely no reason why you cannot get auto insurance. The question is never asked.

Can lupus be wrongly diagnosed as hepatitis?

Not likely

Does Toni Braxton have Lupus?

Toni Braxton was diagnosed in 2008 when she was hospitalized with what doctors thought was a heart attack. On further in vestigation, the doctors diagnosed her with lupus. Lupus can affect any of the muscle layers of the heart. Lupus patients are 50 times more likely to suffer a heart attack than the general population.

What year did Michael Jackson get lupus?

Yes. Michael Wayne (Morrison), eldest son of John Wayne, died at the age of 68 in 2003 of complications caused by lupus.

Can heptatis b positive patient be diagnosed with lupus?

If a person is positive for hepatitis B that has nothing to do with lupus one way or the other. The two are not related.

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What other conditions is relapsing polychondritis often diagnosed with?

It is frequently diagnosed along with rheumatoid arthritis, systemic lupus erythematosus, and other connective tissue diseases.

What age groups usually contracts Lupus?

only 10 years after diagnosis in India The majority of people with lupus can live a norma life span if they follow their treatment plan and are monitored regularly. The leading causes of death in lupus are cardiovascular events (heart attack and stroke), uncontrolled infection and kidney disease.

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Is anti jka antibody associated with lupus?

I have anti jka antibody and have now been diagnosed with SLE

Is there a relation between Lupus and Beta Thalassemia Minor?

I have reason, though unscientific, to believe there may be a connection. Beta-Thalassemia minor is diagnosed in my family (myself, my children, and sporadic occurrences in older relatives), the older relatives first were diagnosed with lupus, had no idea they carried the BTM genetic disorder until a younger member was diagnosed and they were subsequently tested.

How does lupus occur?

In the United States lupus affects about 1.5 million people. Worldwide it is estimated that at least 5 million people have lupus. These are estimates. Doctors do not report each diagnosis of lupus that they make. No government agency requires that a diagnosis of lupus be reported. Lupus statistics are gleand from hospital discharge diagnoses. If a person is diagnosed with lupus but had not been hospitalized, their diagnosis will not appear in the statistics. If a person is hospitalized for a complicaton of lupus, the discharge statement may not even mention lupus.