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Maybe the girl may just have some chocolate round her mouth or summin or he does like her and is a pervert soon to be peodofile.

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Q: If you are a twelve year old girl and a seventeen year old guy looks at you all the time does that mean he likes you?
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What are the Signs of a eleven to twelve year old girl likes you?

Well usually its when a girl looks at you a lot, always is blushing when your around and probably can never keep a straight face.

How can you tell if a girl likes you or not?

she looks at you

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Write him a not and give it to him. Make sure he smiles at you when he looks at you first.

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It means you need to tell your parents.

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Depending how she looks at you. And if she looks at you dreamly then she likes you.

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ask him if he likes another girl and if he hesitates and looks at you weird he likes you

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If She Always looks at you then looks straight at her friends.

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she probobly likes you

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Yes, he likes a girl who's intelligent and have good looks.