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yes if you are born in the U S you are a citizen no matter what what your parent status is at the time of your birth.

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15y ago

Yes. Anyone born in the US is automatically granted citizenship under current law. This includes births to illegal immigrants as well as legal tourists.

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Q: If you are born in the US to Illegals are you considered a US citzen?
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How many babies are born to illegals in US per year?

Approximately 250,000 babies are born to undocumented immigrants in the United States each year, making up about 7% of all births in the country.

If my Grandmother was a US citizen but has deceased and her child your father deceased can you in anyway become a US citzen?

only if you were born in the united states

Do you need a passport to travel from Oregon to Iowa?

Not if you are a US Citzen.

Am i a us citizen if I've been living here for 24 years?

im i us citzen

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What jobs do illegals do?

Illegals are ready to do any kind of job even if they are paid low. They take up the jobs that are ignored by the US citizens. Employers are only too happy to employ these illegals as they will be quite content with low wages.

Why can't a non-us citizen become citizen?

A non-citzen can become a citizen in the US if they follow the proper procedures.

Three qualifications for the office of the president of the US?

1. You must be a natural-born (NOT native-born) U.S. citzen 2. you must be a resident of the U.S for 14 years 3. you must be 35 years or older

How can you background check non us citzen?

You can conduct a background check on a non-US citizen by using international background check services that can verify the individual's credentials, education, employment history, and criminal record in their home country. It's important to comply with privacy laws in the individual's country of residence and obtain their consent for the background check. Utilizing professional background screening companies with experience in international checks can ensure accuracy and compliance.

Are illegals eligible for Social Security Benefits.?

No. Only those who have paid into the system from working in the US.

Was a us birth certificate given to immigrants?

Illegal immigrant children are given a US birth certificate. The parents remain illegals.