

Best Answer

drink lots and lots of water and you can eat celary it makes you lose calories

Better AnswerStarving yourself is actually counterproductive for losing weight. It is not a lifestyle that you can maintain. If you manage to starve yourself for a few days you will end up regaining all of the weight you lost and more. A healthy rate for weight loss is one to two pounds per week.

I you would like to lose weight, work out 4-5 days per week. Combine light weights with a minimum of 30 minutes of cardio at your target heart rate. (they have little charts on the machines).

Eat some lean protein (chicken, cottage cheese, egg whites etc.) with every meal. Also eat small 200-300 CALORIE meals 4 to 5 times per day. A good diet combined with lots of exercise, and drinking 8 glasses of water per day will help you lose weight and feel great too. I know when I'm starving I get really bad headaches and get really grumpy. You won't look good starving yourself either. I am assuming that is the goal. If you are completely obsessed with food and are really stressed about your weight please seek professional help. Counselling can really help. A model just died from anorexia, that's no way to be. How can people say you look hot if you're dead!

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Q: If you are on your first day of starving yourself how do you keep yourself from eating food?
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Some people say it is a scam but can't say until you try it out yourself. Dieting is about eating the right food and exercising. Starving yourself does not work.

Why do i keep throwing up after you eat?

If you are making yourself throw up, then you probably do have an eating disorder (eating disorder does not necessarily mean starving yourself), if it is coming up on its own something else might be wrong and you should go see your doctor.

How do you get thinner wen you weigh 189 without starving?

starving yourself doesnt work! if your body thinks its starving it grips on to every fat cell for storage! eating healthy and regularly and exercise! u need to raise the rate your metabolism breaks down food, that's only achieved through exercise

Can die only eating 140 calories a day?

yes, as you are depriving/starving your body of food.

When you are starving yourself what do you eat when you get hungry?

They eat very little and things that do not have a high calorie content. What do they do? They get sick and tired very easily. They hide their disorder until it becomes unmanageable and noticable and then become hospitalized or worse, die.

How do you start eating normally after starving yourself for a week without gaining weight?

Starving Herself First of all, STOP starving yourself. You are actually doing more harm to your body that way than by eating fast food every day for a month. When you starve yourself, you send your body a signal: you are telling it that from now on, food may be scarce so it had better store up every morsel it gets. Now nobody wants their body to hold on to every calorie it gets, right? Also, when you starve yourself, your stomach begins to kind of eat itself up; you are at risk for ulcers and other ongoing stomach related illnesses. As for how you are going to go back to eating? Slowly. Do not go crazy and eat up entire meals in the first week. Cereals, proteins, soups, veggies, and fruit. Breads are okay, but they are just fillers and will stuff you fast. Stay away from the potatoes too, they will just fill you up and make you feel terrible. Lastly, make sure to exercise a little bit every day or two; this will remind your body to turn its metabolism back on (something you turn off by starving). Low or no metabolism means the body does not burn the food, but packs it on.

What is starving yourself?

Starving yourself means to severely limit, or completely stop, your food intake for a period of time (hours, days, or even weeks). It can be done as a form of political protest, as part of your religious beliefs, or in a misguided attempt to control your weight.

Do people die of anorexia?

Yes. Anorexia is a very dangerous and deadly disease. You are literally starving yourself. Depriving your body of food.

How many days can you stop eating before your body starts storing fat?

You body only stores EXCESS food as fat. Thus if you are starving yourself you will not have any excess food to store as fat. Indeed if you stop eating your body will start to use your fat stores as food.

Will starving yourself kill you?

Yes, most likely. You need food to produce energy, so if you don't have any food you can't conduct normal every day procedures.

There are some days where you can only eat chocolate without feeling sick Just looking at other food makes you want to vomit Are you ill or have you got an eating disorder?

an eating disorder is purposely starving yourself and/or purging. If there are days when you are temporarily having an upset stomach you should try and improve your nutrition by taking vitamins, staying hydrated, and making sure you make healthy choices when it comes to food.

What do you do if you have no food and you are starving?

You steal.