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Your parents are going to find out one way or another. Maybe you should just go ahead and tell them. It's not the end of the world. Good luck and God Bless:)

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Q: If you are pregnant and under 18 in Texas will a doctor inform your parents without your consent?
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In what states is it legal to marry without parental consent if you are 16 and pregnant?

Georgia will provide a license with a doctor's certification. But they will inform the parents.

If a girl is 16 and pregnant and the boy is 21 where can they go to get married without parental consent?

I know in Maryland, if you are 16 or 17 and are pregnant or already have a child, you can get married without your parents' consent. You just have to get a note from your doctor stating that you are in fact pregnant, or your child's birth certificate. I don;t know where you live, but Good Luck.

If a doctor does can pap smear and you don't know you are pregnant can the find out that you are?

Yes. It's actually legal for the doctor to preform an abortion then and there, without your consent.

If im pregnant at 17 years old can i get married without my parents?

Rhode Island & Massachusetts allow marriage under 18 without parental consent, but it must be filed and approved through the courts. Georgia & Florida allow marriage without parental consent if the woman is pregnant, but it must be filed and approved through the courts and the pregnancy must be confirmed by a doctor. No other states allow marriage under the age of 18 without parental consent.

You are 16 and 3 weeks pregnant how can you terminate the pregnancy without seeing a doctor?

Please go see a doctor. It will be kept confidential, and without your consent the doctor cannot tell even your parents. Attempting abortion without medical supervision can lead to severe consequences like bleeding, infection, and death.I agree please take the advice.

Can a parent take their child to a doctor to get diagnosed with ADD without the other parents consent when they have joint custody?

It is a parents responsibility to take his / her child to the Doctor if there is a problem. it is however not up to the parent to give the diagnosis, that comes fro the doctor.

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Can a pregnant runaway that turns eighteen in two months be taken to jail when she goes to receive prenatal care at a doctor's office without her parents?

It is unlikely that a pregnant runaway who is almost 18 would be taken to jail for seeking prenatal care at a doctor's office. Healthcare providers are typically focused on the well-being of the patient and the baby. However, laws vary by jurisdiction, so it's essential to understand local laws and regulations regarding minors seeking medical care without parental consent.

Use consent in a sentence?

Without the patient's consent the doctor wouldn't operate.

What is the legal age in the UK for a girl to go on the pill without parental consent?

most teens in the UK go on the pill at 17 with out parent consent but you can be put on them earlier by your doctor as they cant tell your parents anything because of patient/doctor privacy. Hope that helped

How can a pregnant minor receive treatment in Ohio with no parental consent?

27 states and the District of Columbia specifically allow pregnant minors to the obtain prenatal care and delivery services without parental consent or notification. Ask your doctor if your state is one of them or call Planned Parenthood and ask.

What a doctor should do with an underage pregnant girl if she ask for the pill without telling her parents?

The answer varies from state to state and depends on the individual situation.