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Probably, if you are indigent and meet citizenship requirements.

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Q: If you are receiving child support and then the child's father quits his job can you receive welfare assistance until he finds another job?
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Can a non custodial pay child support if they receive welfare?

A parent who is receiving public assistance (including SSI) should not be ordered to pay support.

Can you still receiving child support while receiving unemployment?

Yes, you are still entitled to receive child support even if you are receiving unemployment.

Which feature in help and support allows a user to receive help from another user over a network connection?

remote assistance

How is not paying child support hurt taxpayers?

Children whose parents do not support them end up receiving public assistance.

How does receiving state benefits affect child support?

If you receive state benefits, the state child support agency will contact you for information about the non-custodial parent. This is to ensure that the NCP reimburses the State, to the extent that s/he is able, for medical and other benefits it pays on the child's behalf. If you are receiving cash assistance (TANF), the State will retain the child support to reimburse for that expense.

What interest groups support Welfare?

1) persons receiving public assistance; 2) State and Federal employees and others who receive compensation for administering public assistance; 3) those who believe that meeting the needs of indigent persons is a legitimate and necessary government function.

Does the man have to not pay child support if they receive cash assistance from welfare?

No, but he still owes it.

What is 'support' in Latin?

A Latin equivalent of the noun 'support' is firmamentum, which means 'prop'. Another Latin equivalent is adiumentum, which means 'assistance'. Still another is subsidium, which means 'military support, help, assistance'.

How can child support work w Temporary Cash Assistance?

To receive it, they take over the claim.

Can a minor receiving child support continue receiving support once he breaks the law and starts using drugs?

Typically, the custodial parent of a minor continues to receive child support until the minor becomes an adult or is emancipated.

I lived in Wisconsin and was receiving state assistance and child support. I moved to Missouri how do I end child support in Wisconsin and start getting it in Missouri?

Contact the MO child support agency for your county.

Can custodial parent receiving public assistance stop child support and arrears?

No. If the state is supporting the mother and child the mother has no right to free the father from his responsibility to support his own children. The state will pursue him for child support.