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Firstly, you should not be trying to starve yourself. You should seek professional psychiatric help for an eating disorder if you have the desire to starve yourself to achieve a certain weight. Extreme restriction in calories has negative physiological effects and long-term extreme restriction of calories can lead to heart attack, organ failure, coma and death, among others. Consuming a number of calories greater than you expend will result in weight gain. Whether or not a product is low-fat or full of fat is irrelevant assuming equivalent calories are consumed. So if you drink fewer calories from cordial than you expend, you will lose weight. If you drink more calories than you expend, you will gain weight. I strongly suggest you re-evaluate your reasoning for consuming cordial. Cordial alone cannot be considered a healthy diet. Long-term following of this plan will be detrimental to your health. As soon as you return to your normal diet, your weight will again increase to what it was prior to your deprivation. If you do want to lose weight permanently, you'll need to develop a healthy plan which you can follow for the rest of your life. Consume a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean protein, and a small amount of fats of which most are monounsaturated. Besides the obvious health benefits of a high-fiber, low-saturated fat, modest-monunsaturated fat, low in added sugar diet rich in fruits and vegetables, you will naturally lose weight, as the number of calories in such products per pound are much less than other processed foods. Whole grains have fewer calories per pound than enriched grains as much of their mass is fiber. Lean meats are lower in fats than fattier cuts, meaning a pound of turkey (lean) has far fewer calories than a pound of beef. Vegetables and fruits are also very, very low in calories per pound. As a result, you can pile your plate to the top with vegetables and fruits and end up consuming far fewer calories than a smaller serving of a traditional meal- while still consuming the healthful nutrients you need.

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Q: If you are trying to starve yourself to lose weight will just drinking low fat cordial put weight on or will you still lose weight?
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