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no it is unhealthy for u and if the spouse knows it is unhealthy for him/her too but u don't have to hate each other break it off slow and stay friends if u are trying to do what is best for the kid.


We can't ever use our kids because we are not happy. If you don't love your wife anymore and your in love with the other woman, you will do them a huge favor, let them go so that way, the respect and what ever love your kids have for you will not go away. You can start fresh with your mistress who you found love. Our big mistake are putting our children in the middle even though we not happy and miserable with our wife or husband. Divorce is not such a bad and sad life, it's a new fresh new start and you can avoid all the heartaches.

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  • There is no law that expects a spouse to stay in a marriage where their spouse has cheated just because they have children. However, if this is the first time the one spouse has cheated it is wise to realize that 'to err is human' and worth seeing a marriage counselor before deciding to end the marriage. If two people really do not love each other then they will inevitably not get along; not trust their spouse;; arguments and frustration could break out and this does not make for a good environment for children.
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Q: If you are unhappy and no longer in love with your spouse but in love with the person you are having an affair should you stay married just for the kids?
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