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From what I can gather I say no to being narcissist for being outgoing.The Bfriend is embarrassed and feels ignored. Well he wants you to act the way he wants you to and he wants you all to himself. Seems to me that if a person is trying to change you then they don't like you for who you are. "The Real You" and what could be as wonderful as being yourself. Yes, be yourself and have a good time and make good friends.If someone cares about you and they think your acting out, then their approach will be positive and supportive suggestions.

Pathological Narcissism is a mental health disorder that pervades all the dimensions of your personality and conduct.

Only a qualified mental health diagnostician can determine whether someone suffers from NPD and this, following lengthy tests and personal interviews.

Your boyfriend is insecure and this means you may have problems with him in the future. he may be intensely jealous and try to control you in all ways. you need to make it clear that he has to grow in maturity quickly and that he has to trust you. having said all that you have to make sure you are trustworthy, although at the end of the day it's free world, why be tied to anyone when there's no kids involved, you have to be sure he is one for you.

Abuser's usually say the same things, such as "your embarrassing me", "your ignoring me." An abuser abuses because he or she feels uncomfortable in his or her own skin. They are hurting inside for some reason and they don't know how to get rid of the pain. They are not in control of the hurt they are living with. They may not even know that they are hurting. So in order to keep in control, they try to control the world around them. The easiest thing to control is their intimate relationships. This boyfriend is unable to be outgoing as you are and he wants to control that part of you. Ask some friends and family if your behavior is inappropriate and than you will be able to judge if your boyfriend is valid with his complaints. If you find out that he is not valid with his complaints, please run from this relationship; it is not healthy.

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Q: If you are very outgoing and like to be around people and your boyfriend says you are doing it to embarrass and ignore him are you a narcissist?
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