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yes it would cause the fish to get a disese called ick a fish gets that sickness when they get scared or nervous

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Q: If you bang on a fish tank will it hurt the fish?
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Should you put a snail in a guppie fish tank orwill it hurt the fish?

No it won't hurt any fish but the fish might hurt the snail.

Can you put cardboard box material in a tank with fish?

no it will hurt the fish

Can you put your old silver coins in your freshwater fish tank?

no!! they can hurt ur fish!

Why do fish bang on tank?

They may not know there is glass and it takes time for them to learn. If your tank glass is reflective they may think it's an enemy fish and try to attack. If that's the case, I suggest getting a clear glass tank before the fish hurts itself too much.

Why do fish bang there head against the side of the bowl?

Fish make very good pets. They tend to run into the side of their tank or fish bowl, usually because they are not aware that it ends.

Do fish get hurt if they are contained in a small tank?

If you are talking about such a small tank that the fish is touching all sides at the same time, then yes. But if you are talking about a little goldfish in a 15cm x 15cm tank then no, it will just be a bit uncomfortable.

Is it better to run a fish tank with an old filter or no filter at all?

no filter because for smaller fish it can hurt or even kill them and for the old filter use bigger fish

Can betta fish harm themselves?

Yes they can if there are items or decorations in their tank that could hurt them if they swam too close.

How do you hurt your ex?

It is not healthy or productive to try to hurt your ex. Focus on healing and moving on from the relationship instead of seeking revenge. Engaging in actions to intentionally harm your ex will only prolong your own pain and hinder your own personal growth.

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Chitty Chitty Bang Bang

How do you fling the fish out of the tank in Fish with Attitude?

Hold the fish down and throw out of tank

What do it mean when your turtle bang on the tank?

He wants his freedom.