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only if you think that the ghosts can talk *another answer* If you can definately see or contact ghosts, then you could be psychic :)

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Q: If you believe that you have the power to see ghosts is there something wrong with you?
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ok, now don't believe me fully on this but i would say something to do with the static on the television screen, someone improve my answer if i am wrong please

Did you know that ghosts are real?

"Yes i do believe ghosts are real. If you go on on video type in ghosts. Then see the lists of videos my favorite one is the Ghosts on Tape one. They are real they can be anywhere even right NOW. yes, you can hear them." ghosts are only real if you believe fake proof and myths. proving the ignorant wrong, one step at a time

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I personally love ghosts, I see nothing wrong with it.

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the connection is they both live on on earth and haunt people who murdered or did something wrong or right

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to be honest with you i really do think ghosts are real! think about it, has anything ever happened where you dont have an explaination for. i believe ghosts want you to help them. they are down here because they want to fix whatever they did wrong in life so they can go to heaven! that is my oppion.

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i belive ghosts do not agset because u spelt it wrong spaz

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i believe it would be incorrect

Is there something wrong with my hamster?

If you believe something is wrong with your pet you should see a vet or a rodent specialist to help as soon as possible. Whatever is wrong with your hamster could kill it.

Is there any proof that ghosts exist?

This may help:"There, so far, is no proof of ghosts existing. However if there is anyone saying that something is wrong or that there house is haunted, Mother Nature is to blame. In many religions, people believe that the aftermath of humanity is spirituality, which is close to a ghost. But remember, if there are ghosts out there, we have no proof they exist." -Tan Marlee, Supernatural.

What does the software program daemon do?

I believe it tells you when you did sopmething wrong or something lke that.

What happends to Sally when she shreds herself?

She was sent to "Limbo". The ghosts that she shredded (and ghosts that shredded each other) are also there, as well as ghosts that took the wrong doors.

What does it mean when you dream your dead father with mud in his hands?

Well, Since I believe in ghosts, I would say. maybe he is trying to tell you that he did some horrible wrong in his life. he wants you to understand :/ perhaps you found something of his and are getting close to the truth? but it could also mean that you think he's done some wrong in his life, and he should've felt guilty about it.