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about 3.2 pounds. results may vary depending on the amount of calories you take in.

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Q: If you burn 400 calories everyday how much weight will you lose in 1 month?
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If you just eat meat and salad and drink water and grapefruit juice everyday is that healthy and can you lose weight doing this?

depends on how many calories you burn each day. if you burn more calories than you eat each day than you will lose weight.

Controlling body weight is best accomplished by?

eating the same amount of calories that you burn in a day will make your weight stay the same, to lose weight burn more calories then you eat and to gain weight eat more calories then you burn

What is the basic principle of a healthy menu for person who would like to lose weight?

Calories in minus calories out equals weight gained. The large majority of your calories are used up for basic everyday tasks like breathing and breaking down food, but you can burn additional calories exercising. The more you burn, the more you can eat. There are a lot of weight loss tools built on this concept, such as MyFitnessPal, and Weight Watches is based on similar logic as well.

Can I lose weight from eating less everyday?

It is not always the quantity of the food you eat that cause issues with weight, but the calories contained in the foods that you eat. You should be careful of your calorie intake and make sure to get a lot of exercise so you can burn your calories.

If you intake 1000 calories a day how many calories do you need to burn?

In every case to lose weight, we need to burn more calories actually what we had consumed. If you want to lose 3kg in a month, you need to burn more than 1000calories. Any ways 1000 calories is not at all healthy to consume, by taking 1000 calories you can lose weight very fast in earlier days. But the weight all you are reducing from your muscle and water levels in your body. By consuming 1500-1700 calories also you can lose 3 kgs in a month. Try to add some more calories to your daily meals.

How many calories do you have to burn to lose 52lb?

To lose one solid pound of weight, you need to burn 3,500 more calories to consume. Then, to lose 52 solid pounds of weight, you would need to burn 182,000 calories.

What are two things that you can do with calories that will help you lose weight?

Eat less calories, and burn more calories than you've eaten exercising. The only way to lose weight is if you burn more calories than you consume.

Can you burn calories from the day before?

yes, this is how people lose weight. you burn more calories than you intake, which means since there are no more calories to burn of this day, they take those that are stored (or from the days/time before today) and burn those. to lose weight.

Do you need to burn more calories than you eat to lose weight?

yes to lose weight you need to burn more calories than you eat for example if you ate 700 caloreis you need to burn about 900 calories that will help you lose weight. trust me it happen for me and it will happen for you

How many calories do you burn if you drink 3 liters of water everyday?


What happens if the calories you eat are equal to the calories you need per day?

If you eat the same number of calories per day that are equal to the calories you need per day you would maintain your weight. To lose weight you must consume less calories then you burn. To gain weight you must consume more calories you burn. Most humans will burn 2800 calories even in the most sedentary state.

Why do you burn calories?

To stay healthy and lose weight.