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The air is less dense than your body, so you sink through it. The opposite is true for water, which is more dense than your body, so you float in it.

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15y ago

Because the gravitational pull is much greater on Earth, when your on the moon you weigh a loooooooooot less.

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Q: If you can float in space why cant you float on earth?
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How does the moon float in space?

It is pulled to the gravitational pull of Earth which in turn lets it float in space.

When do you know you are in space?

cos u float and cant breathe

Why people do not fall of earth while astronomers float in space?

Gravity on earth lack of it in space

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You cant jump off the moon and land on earth because , there is zero gravity in space , so you would float away

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They don't float away because of gravity

Why does the air not not float into space?

Gravity holds the air in Earth's atmosphere. The gravitational force between Earth and the air molecules is strong enough to keep them from floating out into space. Additionally, the atmosphere is continuously replenished by processes like volcanic activity and plant respiration.

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Because there is no air, water or living organisms to eat in space but there is on earth.

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Hubble Space Telescope

Is earth in outer space?

yes earth is in outer space so if someones says im gonna go to outer space no there going somewher else in space its because we have gravity so we will not float so yes earth is in outer space.

How is living in space different from living on earth?

Living in space is different from living on earth because on the space you float and there is no people you can talk to. Also because if we would have the same things as the space we would be floating .As you can see that's why is different.Sincerly:Nancy.m6 Grader

If you're in a strong gravitational field does it make rocks float and other things float?

No,if you're in space then yes,if you are in earth obviously no

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and because we would float off into space