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The inability to consume milk or dairy products have nothing to do with your ability to produce milk for nursing. Most people who can't tolerate milk product is because they lack the enzyme to digest the lactose in your gut. That's separate for your mammary glands.

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Q: If you can not consume milk or milk products will you have problem producing breast milk?
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Why you are producing milk from your breast?

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It is a breast. The milk producing body part of a woman.

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Yes, all breast enhancement products are potentially harmful to an unborn or breastfed child. There are no breast enhancement products which are suitable for use during pregnancy or breastfeeding.

Should in between your breast hurt when you are producing breast milk?

it is not uncommon for that area to be sore from all the action taking place in that general area.

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Breast pumps work by providing a mild suction and rhythmic action to stimulate the mammary glands into producing milk.

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Bigfoots are unique in that the male has one milk producing breast and the female has one milk producing breast. This unusual genetic ananomy results in a close family unit which facilitates Bigfoot avoiding human contact.

Why are your breast leaking and you are not pregnant?

i had this problem , i had to acctually got to the doctor becuase this is not supose to happen unless you are preggos , which i was not they gave me medication in which took the milk out or stoped producing it , it has a lot to do with the brain and thyroid. go see a doc

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What hormone can you use to bring in breast milk?

The prolactin hormone helps in producing milk.

Why do both your breast leak and you are not pregnant?

i had this problem , i had to acctually got to the doctor becuase this is not supose to happen unless you are preggos , which i was not they gave me medication in which took the milk out or stoped producing it , it has a lot to do with the brain and thyroid. go see a doc