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its gone to eat when it gets hungry but it can only eat under water

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Q: If you catch a turtle from the wild how do you get it to eat?
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What does a wild turtle eat?

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the turtle food at the STORE

What wild animals eat from vegetable garden?

Of what I know a turtle usually eats wildflowers in the grassland.

When does a cougar eat?

whenever it can catch wild game.

What do a eat snapping turtle?

Things like they would eat in the wild like worms, fish, plants...

How do you catch a wild box turtle?

first you get a big butterfly net and chase the turtle. get close enough and slam the net over the turtle. then scoop him up and slowly release him into a big box!!

Do wild turtles eat turtle food at walmart?

It depends what species the turtle is. When I had a baby snapping turtle I only kept it for a couple months and I fed her turtle food from walmart I dont really know if adult or teen adolescent turltes can eat it or not.

What types of diseases do wild pond turtles get?

There are many diseases that a wild pond turtle can catch in its lifetime. One of these diseases is known as ulcerative shell disease.

Why do tigers choose to eat deer or a wild boar?

They eat wild boar and deer because their meat is good and helps them survive out in the wild. And they are easy to catch .

Will slider turtle eat goldfish?

Yes. My red ear slider turtles love to chase, catch and eat goldfish.

Is a turtle is in a new place does that mean it may not eat?

Yes, if you took a wild turtle from where it was to a new place, there is a chance that it will not want to eat for a while. It will need to be left alone for some time before it will decide to eat anything.