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Q: If you charged the end of a comb and then put the same kind of charge on one place on the surface of a round metal ball on an insulating stand what would happen to the charge in each case?
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no, when the 3ds is charging it will charge until he has full charge and then he will stop charging, so you can leave your 3ds at charge at night and nothing will happen to him except he will be charged of course

If you charge the end of a plastic comb and then put the same charge on the surface of a round metal ball what would happen to charge in each case?

the charges would repel

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since similar charge repell each other.... the rods ll experience repulsion

What will happen if a negatively charged rod is brought close to a small plastic ball if the ball is postively charged?

They will attract becuase oppsites attract. If something is positivley charge and the other this is negativley charged they will almost always attract. Hope I helped.

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It will start becoming reliant on the power source so you batteries life without charge will shorten because it will become unable to hold the power source.

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They becomes negatively charged anions. eg. Cl2(g) + 2e- = 2Cl^(-)

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partially positively charged hydrogen end of the molecule.

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it gains or acquires a charge either positive or negative so when it gains energy, it aquires a negative charge then when it loses energy, it aquires a positive charge

What will happen if lead acid battery is charged with ac power?

It will more than likely explode. You charge the battery with a charger that coverts 120V AC to 12V DC.

What will happen if the the same charged object come together?

The electrostatic forces between two objects that have the same kind of charge act in the direction to push the objects apart.

What will happen if your universe electrically charged?

the planets will have same charge where sun will bhi oppositly charged .. the attraction between planets n sun will be increased due to which the galaxy will end . because the planets come near to sun and planets will be destroyed

If some amount of positive charge is given to a soap bubble what will happen to it?

It will be attracted to any negatively charged objects and repelled by any positively charged objects. It will probably be mildly attracted by neutral objects but this would be a much smaller effect.