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for kids to be Abel to drive a care with adult super vision at age 14

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Q: If you could make your own amendment what would it be?
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Why is the 17th amendment so important?

The 17th Amendment is important as it gives the people (you and I) the right to select Senators. Without this Amendment the Government could select Senators based off their own needs, which could lead to corruption.

What would happen if you didn't have the second amendment?

It would be bad. Soldiers could violate the right of the people and even use guns to bully them.

Who said voters in a state not state legislatures would elect their own senators to Congress.?

The Seventeenth Amendment for A+ -MG

Would you oppose a constitutional amendment for same-sex marriage?

No. I would not oppose an amendment to the United States Constitution guaranteeing Americans the right to marry someone of their own sex. I would, however, oppose an amendment that would ban same-sex marriage.

What might happen if a plant could not make its own food energy?

It would die!

Why did the tenth amendment satisfy many anti-federalists?

The anti-federalists were people who wanted to make decisions for their own states. This is the amendment that granted that power. This allowed the people to make decisions for their own states and people, like speed limits or legal marriage age. As long as the decision wasn't already part of the ten amendments, it could be approved.

Why did women urge their families to invest in sewing machine?

They could make their own clothes more easily.

How was Prohibition affected by the 21st Amendment?

National Prohibition was repealed by the 21st Amendment. However, states could, and did, maintain their own state-wide prohibition. In addition, many states adopted local option, whereby localities could impose their own prohibition within their boundaries.

Why can't animals produce their own food?

They are not producers they do not have chlorophyll or make food from photosynthesis Chey Hansen Snohomish Wa

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It could if someone with money would make it happen.

Can you make your own version of Poptropica?

No. If you could, you would have to make it so different (because of the copyright) that it wouldn't really be Poptropica.

Why is the 13th amendment important today?

it officially ended slavery without the 13th amendment there would be a conflict.