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If you are craving clay then you are lacking dairy. You need to get more dairy in your body.

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Q: If you crave clay what is lacking in your body?
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This is not healthy for any of you and you need to tell your doctor because you are lacking something and that is why you crave sand.

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If you mean 'crave' as want to eat, it may be pica. Pica is the desire to eat non-food items, usually dirt, paper, clay or hair. It is more common in young children and pregnant women and can be a sign of poor nutrition. Check with a doctor to see if any nutrients are low and a doctor or psychologist for the eating problem. People who are low in iron typically crave clay or dirt. People who crave detergent are lacking Protease, which assists in the breaking down and digestion of protein. Protease are a part of many detergents. Paper is high in fiber! Hair is full of protein! If you eat more fruits, vegetables, nuts and beans, any or all of these symptoms should go away, if they don't then you should see a physician.

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