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Disputed items are not removed from your credit report during the period of "verification". If you dispute an entry with a collection agency, they are supposed to notate the disputed account upon their next update. Updating the trade line without that notation constitutes continued collection activity and is a violation of law. There is no such obligation on the credit bureaus themselves. They simply must complete their verification within 30 days from receiving your dispute. If the reporting creditor verified the trade line within that time period, you are informed. If the reporting creditor fails to respond, or does not verify, the trade line is shielded from further reports.

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Q: If you dispute items on your credit report are they removed temporarily while they are being verified by the credit companies?
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The judgment would of come through the court system. You would need to contact the court to know who to pay. You can dispute the listing to the credit bureaus, but that doesn't mean it will be removed. They have 30 days to verify the listing and if it isn't verified it must be removed.

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You can attempt to have any item removed from your credit report by the same method; writing a letter of dispute to the bureaus. "...should have been paid by your insurance company..." is not a valid reason for dispute. If you were to write with this reason, (most likely) the accounts will be verified and they will remain on your credit for 7 years from the date they were defaulted.

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Repairing your credit involves sending dispute letters to the credit bureaus asking for verification on your negative listings. The credit bureaus have 30 days to contact the original creditor and get verification. If they don't, the listing will be removed. They will send you an updated credit report showing what has been removed and what has been verified and then you did it all over again.

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You can contact the lender and ask to have the late payment removed. They might remove it if you have had a good payment history in the past with them. You could also negotiate to pay off the balance to have it removed.You can send dispute letters to the credit bureaus asking for verification on the account. If the account is not verified with in 30 to 45 days it must be removed.

If a debt has been paid to the original creditor and they recall it from their collection agency will a dispute succeed in having it removed from the credit report?

Hard to say. Disputing the collection after you pay off the creditor could still come back as 'verified' from the credit bureaus simply because the collection did happen. If the collection agency does not respond to the credit bureau's query, then the entry will be removed.

Is it illegal to dispute a collection in hopes of having it removed even though you know it is correct?

IT's not illegal but it is pointless. It takes substantial proof to have negative information removed. Denying the debt is not enough to have it taken off the CR. It is not illegal to dispute any debt. The (federal) Fair Credit Reporting Act states that bureaus have 30 days to verify any disputed debt. If any debt is not "verified" within that time frame, this debt is shielded from view, regardless of its' accuracy authenticity.

How do you get repossession removed from credit report?

If it's not actually true, then you can dispute it with the reporting agency. If it is true, then you don't "get it removed." It will be removed after a certain amount of time has elapsed.

Can you remove charge offs from your credit report?

Yes, it's possible to have them removed if you dispute them.

Can you call an old credit collector and ask them to remove a Derogatory mark from your credit report?

yes- better to dispute it via the credit bureau companies however as if the creditor refuses to respond within a certain time frame it will have to be removed

What part of Albert Einstein's body was removed at his death?

I would think his BRAIN! but that is not a verified fact known to me.

Can chex systems remove you from their records in four years?

Chexsystems will remove all records after 5 years. In order to be removed prior to this time, you must file a dispute with chexsystems. There is no guarantee for removal but many have been able to be removed by filing a dispute.

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It is impossible. THC can not be removed by anything, it can only be temporarily covered up.