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If you don't find men attractive, but you do find women attractive, then yes, you are a lesbian.

(If you don't find women attractive, either, it could be that there are no attractive men wherever you are, and you might have better luck looking somewhere else.)

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Q: If you dont fine men attractive are you a lesbian?
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Why don't i find men attractive but girls pretty I don't have a problem with lesbians but i don't want to be one ive been worrying a lot about it I think i might have anxiety or something?

Why do you say you dont want to be one? Is there a reason? First off, women are beautiful. Men...not so much. I dont think it is odd for you to find someone women attractive. But, if you find NO men attractive, then where does that leave you? Why dont you find them attractive? Perhaps you are a lesbian. And there is absolutely nothing wrong with that.

How do you find out if you are a lesbian?

Well, if you are a woman, and there is no interest in any men, even the most attractive, but certain interest in other women, then you would indeed be a lesbian.

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Depends on your gender. if you're a female you'll find men more attractive then females. If you're male you'll find female more attractive then men. Unless you're a lesbian/gay. Then you'll find your gender to be most attractive.

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It depends on the men. Many do and many dont. It just varies on the men's attraction.

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noAnswerNot at all. There are a lot of straight women who find men in make-up attractive. Especially rock stars. That definitely does not make you a lesbian or bisexual. The only thing that would make you a lesbian or bisexual is if you were attracted to women. --What the hell?I guess that's only a weird question to me but no. NOOOOOOO. oh my god. boys that wear makeup are SUPER HOT! it makes you more straight if anything :)

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Why wouldn't they, men fall for attractive women

Should you be gay or not?

Most gay and lesbian people I know don't think it's a choice -- we were born this way. There is some evidence of a genetic link, but "situational" homosexuality also occurs, for example in prisons. Gay men find other men sexually attractive, exactly the same way heterosexual men find women sexually attractive. This is a reflex action, not something you choose.

Why don't i find men attractive but girls pretty?

It's either because u haven't found the right guy or ur just not attracted to guys at all so that means your lesbian

What if he doesn't seem to have pre-ejacultes fluid?

some men dont so everything will be fine dont get ahead of yourself if he doesnt

Is having a big head attractive to men?

hahaha, no.... having big boobs is attractive to men.

Why did God Make me so Ugly that girls dont find me Attractive?

Everyone is attractive in their own way. Young men mature more slowly than girls. As young adult men go to college, gain jobs, and attend social functions, they begin to meet girls that find them attractive, not only for their looks, but their personality.

You are a lesbian what do you do?

As a lesbian, you are sexually attracted to girls and only girls. You have no intrest in men at all.