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Maybe, but it will ruin your metabolism and you'll gain all your weight back easily and maybe more. If you eat a healthy breakfast it boosts your metabolism for that day. Have small portions of your meals and take a walk after each.

Also it's said that drinking green tea with each meal will raise your metabolism. Don't forget to exercise. That will really help. If you don't like to exercise, then find something active that you enjoy. Swimming, jump roping, bike riding. There are many things you could do to get more fit and healthy.

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Q: If you drink juice for a week and dont eat will you be skinnier?
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I recommend a juice diet where you only drink juice for one week

How do you get skinnier in a day?

there is no possible way to get skinnier in a day but if u eat healthier and drink 8 glasses of water a day and excersice u could lose weight in atleast a week

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Water, orange juice, i guess any juice, milk, and 1 soft drink a week

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35 pints/week

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Nothing but teeth begin to weaken

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if you smoke weed and you have a dug test to take in about a week of smoking it you can drink Arizona tea, prun juice, and pickle juice, and cranbarry juice.

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Cranberyy juice does nothing, it is a rediculous stoner myth from people who have no idea how the body works.

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Drink hot tea drink water small meals dont eat after three

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The pH of orange juice after a week is pH 5.

If you don't eat anything at all in one week will you look skinnier?

You won't look any skinner. You should eat healthy and exercise. Drink diet sodas, water and eat fruit and vegetables. And you'll look sick, as well!

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idk im assuming your a smoker so ... drink lots of tea and cranberry juice that flushes out cannabinoids (and keeps you health) and you can get clean in a week with alot of exercise and water and juice