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It's impossible and unethical to try to diagnose someone over the internet. If your symptoms are unusually bad or don't go away within a few days, see a doctor.

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Q: If you feel sick and your stomach hurts a lot is something wrong with you?
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They don't really see spirit's. more like feel them. Like when you do something wrong you feel it in the pit of your stomach.

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It's your pulse you're feeling when you feel your heart beat in your stomach

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this happens because with most peoplw when the sad there stomach starts to hurt and when you stomach hurts you wan to eat

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Your gasy and probaly have to fart.

How come after everytime you eat or drink milk you feel sick and your stomach hurts?

That is strange, because when I do it, I feel fine. Maybe you should see a doctor

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Simply explain to your friend, IN A FRIENDLY manner, that the more they complain, the worst they will feel about it. Recommend some medicine for their pains

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bubbling in stomach is when you feel something special for someone nd they are like butterflies

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The only one who can answer that is a doctor. But I can tell you pregnancy doesn't usually feel like a little ball that you can move. Good luck, see a doctor as soon as you can if you think there is something wrong.

Is there something wrong with this relationhip?

If you feel like some is wrong, then most likely there is.