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Answer: Only male cats spray so you won't have any trouble with your female cat.


Actually, both genders will, and do, spray. An intact (not neutered) female cat usually doesn't spray as much as an intact male, but they will spray to advertise themselves to any passing male that they are on heat and ready to mate.

If your cat is spayed, and hasn't got any history of spraying, then it is very unlikely that she will spray at all.

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Q: If you get a female cat will it spray in your house if it is the only cat in the house?
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For female cats what is in that spray they spray?

A female cat, just like a male cat, can and will spray when on heat, or feel their territory is being threatened. They spray very strong-smelling urine to communicate with other cats in the area.

Do pregnant cats still spray?

I thought only male cats spray... never heard of a female cat do it! in fact they don't. I think your dreaming!

Will the cat stop spraying when out of heat?

Most female cats do not spray, but those that do will only do so if they are in heat or highly agitated.

Which cat is peeing on the furniture?

Male cat's spray but a female cat will urinate on furniture. If you get them fixed they won't spray. Make sure their litter box is clean. Spray your furniture with orange or lemon scent cat's can't stand that scent.

How do you clean house to prevent cat allergies after cats were in the house.?

Vacuuming and spraying with a antiallergy spray with prevent cat allergies.

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Your cat may have had a traumatic experience at the hands of a male.

If male cats spray to mark their terratory then what do female cats do?

Females spray in exactly the same way, although not as often. Female cats who are in heat are likely to spray a lot more when no in heat, to advertise herself to a male cat.

What is a female wild cat called?

An female cat is refered to as a Queen; a group is refered to as a clowder; a male cat is referd to as a Tom a female cat is a molly only upon pregnancy or lactation is she called a queen

Can you get a cat to stop spraying after he starts?

noAnother AnswerThe best thing to do is to neuter him. This may not completely stop him spraying, but after six to eight weeks after castration a cat's hormones will have diminished greatly. It is possible for a neutered cat to stop spraying in the house, as the need to advertise for a female is no longer there. A male cat still may spray for territorial reasons, but is more likely to do this outside.It is also ideal to train the cat (after neutering) not to spray.

Is Male cat spray same as urine?

When cats spray, they are spraying urine. They aim it at a vertical surface for the purpose of marking. A diluted vinegar solution will usually neutralize the scent (although it will leave a vinegar smell instead). You can also buy enzyme type cleaners that remove the smell.

Do spayed female cats spray?

YES! They can and they do - I can testify firsthand that I have seen a female cat spray. Sometimes they will do it if they are mad about something, or they will do it to mark their territory. However, spaying a cat before she reaches sexual maturity will greatly reduce the risk of the cat ever spraying. If the cat sprayed regularly before spaying, then this may become habit.

What is a baby leopards size?

Abot the same a a female house cat