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yes, you can, especially after 3 or 4 months on the pill

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Q: If you get your period during the middle of your birth control is that normal?
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Is it normal for your period to last longer than usual if you started taking birth control on the first day of your period?

Yes, sometmes when you start birth control you will have break through bleeding and it can tie in with your period since you started the pill during your period.

Does starting birth control in the middle of your cycle delay your period?

No. starting birth control in the middle of your cycle does NOT delay your period. I started it in the middle of mine and i was fine. it ended on the EXACT day that it was supposed to.

Is it normal to feel stressed during your period?

It is completely normal.

Will starting birth control in the middle of your cycle delay your next period?

Starting a hormonal birth control pill in the middle of your cycle is likely to delay the next period.

Can you take birth control during your period?

Yes, you can take birth control during your period. You should take your birth control as directed regardless of bleeding.

Is your period supposed to be normal after getting off birth control?

Everyone starts getting their period after birth control eventually.

Is it normal to have headache during period?


A period of unresponsiveness during a normal heartbeat is called?

refractory period.

Can you skip a period?

Yes. It is normal for teens and middle-aged adults.

You stopped taking birth control in December your period came like clock work In January and February your period was early But march your period is late Is this normal?

I stopped taking my birth control in December and in January I came on my period but in february I didnt come is this normal

Is it normal to feel sexually aroused during my period?

It is normal to feel like you want to have sex on your period. A woman's hormones are going wild when on their period.

Virgin Queef only during period is this normal how to stop?

this is normal you can't really stop it and it's only during your period if you are really worried consult your doctor