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I've found that the cervical mucus doesn't lie. If you had clear, egg white, stretchy cervical mucus, you did ovulate. The question becomes when. This is why Ovulation Predictor Kits (OPKs) are so important. You should start taking OPKs the first day you start to see the clear stretchy cervical mucus and test until you see that you're ovulating. That's the only way to know exactly when you do ovulate. All the best!

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Q: If you had a period last month and no period this month but according to cervical mucus it is clear and stretchy as during ovulation Are you ovulating even though you didnt have your monthly?
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Its day eleven of your cycle your cervical mucous is clear and stretchy with small traces of blood can you be ovulating?


If your on birth control then how do you know if you are ovulating?

You don't -KNOW- per se, but since most pills that aren't progestin based regulate your period to an exact 28 day cycle, you generally ovulate between the 12th and 16th day of your cycle. There is also a stretchy white cervical mucous that generally accompanies ovulation.

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What does thick white vaginal discharge mean?

When vaginal discharge becomes thin and stretchy this is also called "egg white cervical mucus" it appears when a woman is most fertile , during ovulation week , this type of cervical discharge aids sperm to swim faster and survive longer in the reproductive system , to produce pregnancy , the stretchy vaginal discharge may come right before or during ovulation , and may last a few days after ovulation .

What's wrong if you have thick clear discharge with no smell and it always happens a week after your period and you have a lot of lower back pain with it?

I would say this has to do with ovulation. Around the time of ovulation (about day 10-14 on a 28 day cycle) you will find your cervical mucus is clear and you feel very "wet" in your vagina area. The cervical mucus aids conception by keeping the sperm alive. You will find this mucus is very slippery and stretchy. When you are not ovulating, your mucus will usually be white/cream colour and your vagina area will feel "dryer". This mucus is sticky rather than slippery. It is toxic to sperm. The lower back pain could have to do with ovulation. Some women have pain similar to menstrual pain while ovulating.

Is stringy stretchy cervical mucus a sign of pregnancy?


How do you check your cervical mucus?

After your period you will be dryer and as you get closer to ovulation mucus will gradually increase and it will be sticky and cloudy (creamy). RIGHT before you ovulate mucus will increase even more and it will become clear and very slippery, (like egg white) and stretchy. Ovulation will occur at about this time. After ovulation it will become sticky and cloudy again, and mucus will decrease.

Is it normal to have lotion-like cm following ovulation 4 DPO?

Yes. Your cervical mucus is usually slippery, stretchy and clear as you approach ovulation. About 3-5 days before and one day after ovulation. Outside this period it can be non-existant, sticky, rubbery, tacky, or like lotion. It is usually white or cream but can be yellowish. Hello. Yes, this is normal.

Why do you I feel moist a week before your period?

Throughout your menstrual cycle hormonal changes will change your discharge. Around a week leading up to ovulation (ovulation occurs two weeks before your period) you will get fertile quality cervical mucus which is a stretchy gooey discharge like egg-whites. After ovulation your discharge can get heavier, thicker, and more lotion-like which may make you feel more 'moist'.

Is it normal if Menstrual blood stretchy?

Yes, it is normal for your menstrual blood - or specifically the menstrual flow - to be stretchy. As well as blood your flow is made up of uterine tissue, cervical mucus, and discharge.

How can you know am ovulating?

How do you know when you are ovulating?

Brown stretchy mucus but not due on period for two weeks?

This is very common during ovulation which generally occurs right in the middle of your cycle.