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Each pregnancy is different there is nothing uncommon with this.

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Q: If you had morning sickness with your other two children is it uncommon to not have sickness with the next one?
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Should you be scared not having morning sickness?

Not everyone gets morning sickness. If you do, it's not necessarily in the morning, either. (I had morning sickness with one child, but not the other. Both are boys.)

Can you be 10 weeks pregnant with no symptoms?

Yes. My first pregnancy I had no symptom other than I had no period. I had no morning sickness or anything. My other pregnancies I have had morning sickness.

Can you have morning sickness then not have it at all?

Yes. Sometimes you have a lot of morning sickness and other times, hardly any. It usually stops after a few weeks.

Does having morning sickness predict the gender of a unborn child?

Some people believe that intense morning sickness is a sign that they're pregnant with a boy, while mild morning sickness means a girl. Other people believe that getting sick in the morning is another sign of a boy, and morning sickness at night a girl.

Do you only get morning sickness when having a girl?

No, you can get morning sickness when expecting a boy or a girl. It is a myth that you only experience it with one or the other. It's the hormones that are released during pregnancy that cause morning sickness, and these are the same when the baby is a boy and when the baby is a girl

If your pregnant can you get dizzy other than morning sickness?

absolutely, when you get too tired or not eat properly

What does it mean if the father of the baby has morning sickness during pregnancy?

It could be called "Sympathy morning sickness". The pregnancy can be a stressful time for the father-to-be. Stress can manifest in many ways, nausea is one. On the other hand, nausea can also be a symptom of other disease, and the timing is co-incidence.

How many months during pregnancy does morning sickness usually last?

It depends on the woman. For most women morning sickness will stop around the 12th-14th week of pregnancy. For other they may experience it a shorter or longer time. Some women have it thought their whole pregnancy.

Are there any home remedies for morning sickness?

Many women swear by ginger to ease their morning sickness while pregnant. It can be found at health stores in several forms including a delicious, chewy candy. Other women find that eating a few saltine crackers will help.

Is no morning sickness a sign of probable miscarriage?

== == Actually, no. 25% of pregnant women do not experience morning sickness, and have entirely normal pregnancies. Most women who do not have morning sickness go full term without miscarriages. There are a few studies that show that having no morning sickness can be correlated to a higher incidence of miscarriage, but there are equal numbers of studies that say that there is no relationship between the two. Many people have said that morning sickness is an indication that the pregnancy is healthy, but nothing proves that lack of having it can be linked to having something going wrong, either. Get regular prenatal checks and talk to your health care professional to be sure that all is going well, and do not let yourself worry over something that probably means nothing, and for which many women would envy you. * Well, of course all women are different. But having morning sickness is my trademark. When I didn't have morning, afternoon or night sickness like with my other pregnancies, I did worry. I miscarried at 5 weeks. * Lots of women don't have morning sickness. * I didn't have it with either of my pregnancies. First time 'round I felt a little nauseated and off my food in the evenings. Second time 'round (with twins) I had no nausea at all. * It is absolutely correct that each woman is different, and may or may not have nausea or vomiting associated with being pregnant. I had it off and on, morning, afternoon, or night, throughout one pregnancy, and none at all with my other ones!

Is morning sickness the same every day?

first of all, morning sickness is a little misleading. it doesn't always happen in the morning. and it is not the same every single day. sometimes you will feel nausious without puking, and other times you will puke. sometimes, something like a smell, or seeing a certain food, or taking even a drink of something, will cause you to feel nausious.

Is it possible not to be nauseated during the first trimester?

There is no "requirement" to feel sick in the first trimester. In fact, morning sickness for the majority of women calms by the 2nd month as the body adjusts to higher hormones. Other women experience morning sickness off and on throughout the pregnancy.